a night to remember

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Newt: We don't even know what this stuff is. We don't know who sent it. Or why it came up here with you. For all we know, this thing could kill him.

Thomas: He's already dying.

Elizabeth: Look at him. How could this possibly make it any worse?

Hena: It's worth a try.

Newt: All right. Do it.

Newt hands Hena the syringe as she was the most skilled, and her hands were the most steady.

Hena: Okay-

She stood over Alby as Thomas sat down next to her.

As she was about to inject him with the fluid, Alby grabbed Hena, gripping her neck as she started choking.

Alby: You shouldn't be here! You shouldn't be here!

Elizabeth jumped in, punching his hand away as she pulled her sister away, grabbing the syringe out of her hand, jamming it into his leg as the others held him down.

Alby settled down, as everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Thomas scooted over towards Hena to make sure she was okay.

Thomas: Are you okay?

Hena nodded, but you could see the marks on her neck.

Alby's grip left quite an impression.

Elizabeth looked back at Thomas and Hena.

They seemed to be getting along quite well, she thought.

She smiled to herself a bit as Newt exclaimed.

Newt: Okay, from now on... someone stays here and watches him around the clock.

Gally: Hey-

Gally walks in as everyone turns their turns their gaze towards him.

Gally: Sundown, Greenie. Time to go.

Hena looks up at Thomas worryingly as she remembered he needed to spend the night in the cage.

He stood up, following Gally out as he glanced at Hena one more time before exiting the infirmary.

Thomas: Hey, what is your problem with me?

Gally: Everything started going wrong the minute you showed up. First Ben, then Alby... and now the girl. Everybody saw she recognized you. And I'm betting you know who she is.

Thomas walks down into the cage as Gally secures the wooden bars, Thomas looking up at him.

Thomas: Gally... you know we can't stay here forever, right?

He says to him calmly as Gally looks at him without saying anything.

Gally grabs his torch and leaves as Thomas grips the wooden bars, looking up at the starry sky.

Elizabeth climbs up to the top of wooden structure Teresa and Thomas were on earlier to stargaze.

She gets interrupted, as she hears someone else climbing up the ladders.

She sits up, ready to shoo away the person who comes up.

Her gaze softens as Newt pops up.

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