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The morning sun shone down on them as Elizabeth opened her eyes, quickly shielding them with her hand right after.

She lifted her head from Newt's chest, who still seemed to be sleeping.

She slowly sat up in front of him, creating a shadow over him.

She gently nudged his arm a few times, whispering his name to wake him up.

He slowly opened his eyes, smiling at the sight of her.

Elizabeth: Hey, good morning sleepyhead.

Newt: Morning, love.

Her cheeks turned red, as she'd never heard him say that before, his accent making it sound 100x smoother.

She planted a kiss on his forehead as she laid back down next to him, her head resting on his chest.

She closed her eyes, listening to his heartbeat as the sun warmed them up.

He put one arm around her, keeping her close.

Just as they were starting to drift back to sleep, they heard a yell.

Minho: Elizabeth!

She sat up as she looked down at Minho.

Elizabeth: Good morning, Minho! I'm coming!

Minho put a thumbs up in the air as she quickly turned back to Newt.

Elizabeth: Come on!

She grabbed his hand as he laughed, following her down the ladders.

Minho was only expecting Elizabeth to come down, but he raised his eyebrows when he saw the two holding hands as they went down the ladder.

Newt: Morning-

Minho nodded at him, as his jealousy was only apparent to Newt, not Elizabeth.

They chatted for a few minutes before heading towards Thomas to let him out of the cage.

Elizabeth hurried over to the cages, only to see her sister sleeping in front of Thomas's cage.

Her eyes widened but a quick smirk formed on her lips.

Newt and Minho stood behind her as Elizabeth nudged her sister to wake her up.

Elizabeth: Hey, hey, Hen?

Hena opened her eyes, pulling her sister in for a hug.

Hena: Morning!

Elizabeth: Well, looks like someone is in a good mood!

Hena stood up, stretching.

Elizabeth knelt down in front of the cage as she went to open it.

Thomas woke up moments later, rubbing his eyes as he looked up at them.

Minho: Big day, Greenie.

Thomas stood up slowly as he looked up at them, his eyes lingering on Hena the longest.

Hena smiled softly at him as he smiled back.

Elizabeth: Are you sure you don't wanna sit this one out?

She asked, worryingly.

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