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Elizabeth: Alby? Are you all right?

Alby finally looks at her.

Alby: No, you're-

He starts to stand up as Elizabeth backs away.

Alby: You're supposed to be dead. You're dead, Elizabeth.

Everyone exchanges confused and concerned looks.

Alby: You and your sister are supposed to be dead!

He yells at her.

Alby: You were- you are dead and you're not supposed to be here! No, no no no no!

He keeps pacing around the room as no one says anything.

He turns to Elizabeth, pointing a finger in her face.

Alby: You are dead. Dead.

Elizabeth opened her mouth as if she was about to say something, but closing it right after, realising she had nothing to say.

She let out a sigh, leaving the infirmary as Newt followed her out.

Hena's gaze softened as she watched her sister leave.

She crossed her arms as Thomas let go of her hand.

Thomas kneels down in front of Alby, who's now sitting again, to distract him from the sisters.

Thomas: Hey, Alby? Alby we might have just found a way out of the maze. Do you hear me? We could be getting out of here.

Alby: No, we can't. We can't leave. They won't let us.

Thomas: What are you talking about?

Alby: I remember.

Thomas: What do you remember?

Everyone looked worried, scared, confused.

What did this mean?

Was he just hallucinating?

Meanwhile outside...

Newt: Lizzie...

Elizabeth: Newt!

She let out a happy sigh, pulling him in for a hug.

Elizabeth: I can't do this anymore, I don't know how much I can take before I explode. What does he mean I'm dead? I'm- I can't be dead! I'm right here!

Her eyes started watering as Newt put his hand in her hair, their foreheads resting against one another.

Newt: Hey, listen, you're gonna be all right. We're gonna get out of here, you understand?

She nodded as he wiped the tears that started rolling down her face.

Newt: Hey, I'm right here, I'm here.

She rested her head on his chest as he put his hands around her, comforting her.

All she wanted to do was stay in that moment forever.

After a few moments they went back in.

Alby: I remember them. I remember you. You were always their favourite, Thomas. Always.

Everyone averted their attention to the noise coming from outside.

Alby: Why did you do this? Why did you come here?

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