When Harry met Ma!

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Ma - her nickname.

Speech/Phone text - Normal

BSL/H's Phone text - Bold.

Blue rushes into the living space, adjusting her baggy trousers and double checking her black saddle bag to be sure she has everything she needs. In the living space and holding onto Mango is her mother, who's staying with the couple for the very first time.

Mango is getting a well appreciated cuddle from the older woman and Blue hurriedly fixes on her earrings, causing the woman to worry. A little bit fitter than Blue and definitely packing more energy, her mother uncrosses her legs and stands up with Mango held onto. She walks over to Blue and studies the process of her finishing touches.

"Hi Ma," Blue clears her throat, tossing her phone charger into the bag.

"Hi baby, what are you doing?" Ma asks with a little nervous smile.

"I have to go into the office, very unplanned," Blue explains.

"Right now?" her mother asks.

"Yes - I know we planned for a girls' day but this is an emergency," Blue slumps her shoulders.

"No, don't be sorry. I hope you're not in trouble?" her mother searches her features for any hint.

"There's trouble but thankfully not for me," Blue manages a smile.

"That's okay. Are you going alone?" the woman continues.

"Harry and I don't work together, and you know that," Blue quirks up an eyebrow.

"Okay, so that means we're going to be alone?" Ma is a little worried.

"Are you afraid of my boyfriend?" Blue chuckles a little.

Ma watches her daughter walk into the coat closet and get out her oversized winter jacket. Blue shrugs it out and double checks her hair to be sure everything is okay.

Ever since her mother showed up some days ago, things have been awkward between the woman and Harry. Ma doesn't know sign and Harry cannot understand a lot of what she says. They try the phone method of typing words to each other.

Sometimes Harry uses the speech aid on his device that voices out his typed words with a robot but things are just heavily awkward between them.

"No - yes. Okay, I don't want to offend or annoy him," Ma explains.

"But you guys were texting buddies before you physically met," Blue points out.

"Exactly. As soon as we met in person, he became cold and weird with me, did I do something wrong?" the woman frowns, concerned.

Blue exhales, knowing her partner very well.

"Please be patient with him. He's very shy and anxious," she explains.

Ma sighs and nods in understanding.

"Is this about the speech therapy thing? I hope he knows I don't care or judge people," she shrugs.

"His speech is a very sensitive topic for him, especially with his past," Blue replies.

"Well, did he speak as a child? Was he born deaf? Have I ever asked this?" Ma frowns.

"Calm down with the questions," Blue giggles.

"Sorry! I'm a curious mother here," the woman smiles at her daughter.

"He didn't speak as a child and yes, he was born deaf. The reason it's a sensitive topic is very personal to him and it's not my place to share," Blue hates to remember the story of Harry's toxic ex.

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