Happy Birthday H!

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bsl = italics, verbal speech = normal

Birthdays haven't always been a huge deal for Blue and that's simply because she was a shy child.

Her family loves a celebration and it may not be because they're proudly Caribbean but it's likely because of that.

All her birthdays have been celebrated like mini carnivals and she always appreciated how loving her family stays.

Today is a special birthday of someone she holds extremely dear to her heart and it has to be the ideal day for him.

If Blue thinks she was a shy child, Harry was worse.

Anne always went out of her way to throw intimate birthday events for her clearly different child and it didn't work till he was a teenager.

Harry was painfully shy, couldn't speak a word and he also didn't understand people. He knew they sang a birthday song but he had no idea what it was.

At some point he finally learned how to sign the birthday song, Anne, Zayn and Gemma picked it up too. That made things get easier and he felt included in his own event.

As he grew older, he explored ways to enjoy his birthdays and finally here he is as a father and partner.

With his own family, he gets to celebrate his birthdays in more colourful ways.

Carefully, Blue brings out the cake from the box and smiles as she admires it. She quickly takes a picture and smiles, knowing he would love this cake.

As she returns her phone, someone hurries into the kitchen and she turns to see Dawn grinning at her.

Those thick curls bounce as she wears her father's t-shirt and she bats her big brown eyes at her mother.

"Mama, are you ready?" Dawn, the assistant event planner, checks on the preparations.

"Very ready baby, where is your brother?" Blue smiles at her girl.

Dylan rushes in, holding up a framed messy artwork with a proud smile and he stands right next to his twin.

He immediately leans against her, not caring if it annoys her. He's always been the clingy twin and Dawn is okay dealing with it.

"Here mama, my mas-masterpiece is ready," he struggles to say the big word he just learned.

A proud Blue pauses as her son shows off the painting he did for his dad. With the help of Uncle Zayn, he was able to get something done and framed.

Dawn admires the artwork and claps for her brother with pride.

Blue quickly gets out her phone to take a picture and Dylan smiles just like his dad.

"I'm so proud of you," Blue says and signs at the same time.

"Me too," Dawn nods in agreement.

"Thank you," Dylan blows them kisses and goes quiet, again just like his dad.

Their personalities are very interesting because they're simply the mini versions of their parents but for some reason, Dawn has more life than anyone in this house.

Blue calmly turns to the tray of breakfast and rubs her palms in excitement.

Harry is usually the first person awake in the home and she knows he's busy somewhere. The plan is to treat him to breakfast and have a movie marathon day with the kids.

That's his simple request. He doesn't want a party or anything too much. He just wants to have a slow day and receive all the gifts he politely requested for.

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