7 - No!

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It gets better from here, no more stubbornness after this chapter x!

BSL, Speech + Sign, Speech.

Blue stares out the window of the classroom as she anxiously taps her feet against the hard ground.

She is waiting and waiting.

There is no sign of her curly haired friend or rather classmate. Can she still call him a friend?

It's Blue's nature to take people's word for what they say and not make excuses for them but something in her wants to make numerous excuses for Harry because he might just be dealing with something she's yet to understand.

Other classmates slowly pour in and her anxiety rises as there is no single sign of him.

Someone comes from behind and happily taps her, she swiftly turns and her mood is instantly deflated to be met with Paula.

No offence, she likes Paula a lot but she was expecting someone else.

There is a glow to Paula's look and her wild curls look rather excited today.

The older cherry woman takes a seat right next to Blue and is clearly eager to share what's making her bubbly.

"Guess what?" Paula cheers.

"I suck at guessing," Blue shrugs.

"I won't tell you until you guess," Paula grins. "Just try."

"I really can't do this," Blue is not in the right mood.

"Fine, if you insist!" Paula leans closer to her. "My lady and I are going for our honeymoon this weekend,"

Blue widens her eyes in shock.

"Wait, you got married?"

"Oh - no! What? We're taking a trip and calling it our honeymoon," Paula explains.

"Might want to lead with that next time, Paula," Blue warns.

"What's the fun in that? Anyway, she got us this lovely cottage up north and I am excited," Paula sighs with dreamy eyes.

"I can clearly get that. I'm happy for you," Blue smiles.

Paula looks around with a small frown on her face and turns to Blue in curiosity.

"Where is our friend?" she signs the friend word as she asks.

"Someone has been learning," Blue points out.

"He made valid points, where is he?" Paula smiles.

"I don't know. I've been waiting for him to show up," Blue sighs.

"Huh," Paula slowly nods.

There's awkward silence between them before Paula clears her throat.

"Have you messaged him?" she asks again.

"He won't reply my messages. They aren't even delivering to him," Blue says with a sad smile.

"Oh no, my babies are fighting," Paula moves closer to her.

"It's a stupid fight at this point," Blue fights her emotions.

"What happened?" Paula sighs. "You don't have to tell me everything, just tell me what I can help with,"

"I just need to reach out to him but he's shut me out," Blue croaks.

"Not to invalidate your feelings but it must be so hard for him to deal with confrontation," Paula says.

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