Very Preggers!

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BSL - italics.  English&BSL - normal. This is just before the birth of the twins x.

With one gentle shift on the super comfortable couch, Harry breathes out with a smile and focuses on his phone.

Right now, he's texting Blake and updating her on their afternoon with Fairy, her little one. Blake and Zayn are currently on a road trip, so they keep exchanging pictures and videos.

Harry has been consistent with sharing pictures of Fairy harassing Blue, Mango and even him. The little ball of energy is fun to have around and yes, their communication is a struggle but they somehow make it work.

This is the first child that hasn't gotten bored of him just yet. Another message from Blake comes up and he quickly adjusts his phone to take a picture of Fairy who is busy colouring a few feet from him.

It's enough distance but the picture is clear enough. Blake replies and instantly video calls in, shocking Harry at how fast she is.

They worked out closed captions for their video calls and Blake's BSL lessons are coming in handy because she's nearly fluent in just 4 months of meeting him and starting her classes.

Harry groans because he doesn't want to stand up from his comfortable position and his tired back is grateful for this comfort.

Blake has her wide smile and Zayn is busy in the background, driving.

"Where is she?" She pipes up, speaking and signing.

"Wait," Harry replies.

He sighs and turns to see Fairy in the distance.

Standing up is stressful and he doesn't know if a child enjoys being snapped at.

Normally, he snaps his fingers at Blue to get her attention when she's distracted and it works.

Harry calmly holds up his phone and waves at her, trying to get her to notice him. Blake notices this and laughs, catching up on him.

"Harry's too lazy to stand up," she tells Zayn.

"And he's not looking this way, so he can't tell we're gossiping about him," Zayn replies, unseen on the video.

"Wait, does this make us bad people?" Blake panics.

"He gossips about us every single hour, go on, my love," he chuckles.

Fairy is deeply concentrated on her drawing and Harry clears his throat.

The sound of her mother's voice from the phone is the first thing that grabs her attention and she snaps her head up. This makes Harry smile and he quickly waves the phone at her.

Without waiting, the child stands up and hurries over to him.

"Mama," he mouths and points at the screen.

"That's my mummy!" Fairy screams, joining him on the couch with a little jump and getting comfortable on his belly.

Harry groans as he adjusts and their faces share the screen. Blake celebrates on seeing her daughter and she blows excited kisses to her.

"Baby, I'm just checking in, okay? Are you being a good girl?" She speaks and signs.

Harry nods along, picking up whatever he can understand as Fairy smooshes her face against his.

"Yes, but Aunty Blue keeps sleeping all day," Fairy pouts.

"You know she's tired. Are you having fun with Uncle Harry?" Blake asks with a smile and points at Harry.

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