1 - How Convenient!

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BSL (British Sign Language) - in bold italics, Verbal speech - plain font.

Blue hurries into the Victorian style brick building, mentally hoping she's not as late as she believes and desperately searching for the office with the name on it. In the hallway of the literature building is a map with directions to offices and classes, she stops herself.

"Doctor Bell," she says to herself.

The curious deep brown eyes of the young woman study the map before she finally exhales in relief, the office is on the same floor as the class. Blue thanks her stars before rushing for the free lift.

In the lift, she catches her reflection and bites down her lip; is this how she truly looks like today?

Oversized orange hoodie nestled beneath the black winter coat matched with the baggy jeans. Her hair isn't even fighting for her rights as her braids look evidently old. This is not how she wants to look on the first day of her new course but she's out of choices.

The lift stops on the third floor and she smoothly gets out after briskly applying her lip balm. She walks into the floor with curious eyes before landing on the door with "Doctor Bell" printed on it.

There's someone currently in the office so she plops on the free bench right next to the office and decides to clean up her look.

Blue gently lines her eyes and repacks her braids before taking note of the curious eyes watching her across the hallway.

This is awkward but she slowly continues.

The eyes are not looking away and she is not going to stop what she's doing because of a curious stranger.

Blue sighs and decides to look at this person. He has a frown on his face, an offended frown and he's clutching his backpack to his chest.

If he wasn't looking like an adult, she'd assumed he was left unattended to and it makes her a little uncomfortable.

"You okay?" she asks.

The guy doesn't say anything.

Blue studies him and almost smiles at the adorable mickey mouse jumper adorned on him. His hair is roughly curly and short with super curious eyes that almost look a little too heightened.

For a moment he looks at Blue but that frown still persists.

Blue keeps staring at him deciding to match his energy with the supposed weird stare until a middle aged woman joins him and sits next to him.

This causes Blue to instantly look away and see someone walk out of the office.

Without further stares, she jumps up and rushes into the office with a smile. Doctor Bell is rising up and packing her things to start the day.

"Miss Blue?" Doctor Bell says.

"Yes, creativing writing course," Blue smiles.

"Lovely, you were supposed to be here an hour ago," the woman sighs.

"I know. I totally forgot the class starts today," she confesses.

"I like the honesty but office hours are now after the class,"

"That's fine. I guess I just needed a heads up to know what I've gotten myself into,"

The Doctor chuckles as she picks up her bag.

"You're fine. It's a four-week intensive course which I intend to make fun for you all," she explains.

"Well, thanks for that," Blue shrugs.

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