The Styles!

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What A Feeling - One Direction. BSL/Speech-Sign.

Harry has been in scary situations here and there. As a child, he didn't hear a lot of the world and the little he could hear were dull buzzing sounds that never helped him when danger came calling.

He was an adventurous little boy with soft honey blonde hair and curious eyes that stared at a world that wasn't ready to accommodate him.

Anne and Gemma were extremely protective of the silent boy who found his voice at the shy age of two going on three.

It wasn't the voice they expected but a diagnosis of profound hearing loss was enough to comfort their worries.

This never stopped Harry from being a ball of joy, charm and pure kindness. He was a boy that loved his cartoons and moved his mouth exactly like his big sister did whenever she spoke.

He just never heard the words to get them right.

Harry was never shy to express himself with his voice or enjoy his young life.

Some situations terrified him as a teenager and adulthood brought a different baggage of fears.

Harry entered his shell and stayed there till he crossed paths with the endearing Blue.

Blue snuck her way into his heart and they helped each other open up to a beautiful way waiting for them. They've experienced fears and losses together.

Their little life is something they never thought was possible for them and right now they're getting ready to usher in even more new life.

Harry panics as he rushes into the living area that's been set up for a home delivery. His eyes move from the licensed doula to Ma and finally lands on her.

There she is, the woman of his dreams and the love of his life. Beautiful Blue is wearing his t-shirt and squatting with her hands grabbing onto her mother's supportive arms.

Blue's curly hair is damp from sweat and possibly tears, and she's repeatedly puffing out short breaths as the doula instructs.

The doula speaks and signs at the same time, keeping Harry engaged in the process.

Harry's heart breaks as he catches Blue's eyes and notes the tears clouding her deep brown eyes. He wants to take the pain away and make her comfortable.

Right now, he has been instructed to change into something way more delivery friendly and he's ready to support his partner as they bring in new life. Or rather, lives.

When she manages to snap her head up and catch his eye contact, she forces a smile his way.

"Harry," she cries out.

This doesn't register and he panics, turning to the Doula.

"Come on, she needs you," the doula urgently speaks and signs.

Harry hurries over to where Ma is holding her crying daughter and they slowly swap positions, with Harry letting her hold onto him. He can see that she's crying and he worries about how serious this must be.

The vibrations of her crying are just against his chest and he grows emotional. One thing he absolutely hates is Blue crying or being helpless.

"Your children are killing me," Blue chokes out, pressing her forehead into his chest as she tries not to cry.

The doula translates with a smile and includes her own instruction.

"I need you to encourage her, can you do that?" she asks, keeping her nurturing smile.

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