Blue & Harry!

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BSL / Signing-Speech

When Harry returns to the flat, he looks around and notices how things feel a little colder than when he stepped out to run errands.

Lately, things have been colder around here and it's frustrating. Blue has been frosty with him and he's not sure what he did wrong.

They're aware that she sometimes slips into depressive episodes and shuts out the world but doesn't feel like it. This feels like something slightly less heavier and somewhat serious at the same time.

In his hands, he holds a paper bag of takeout food and he smiles as she calmly walks into the living space. Blue is wrapping up a phone call and her eyes look puffier than usual.

Harry notices she's whispering and that's useless to him. He cannot make out what's saying into the phone and he waits for her to be done with the call.

"Hey, sorry I didn't respond to your texts, I was in the bathroom," she signs and speaks at the same time.

"That's fine," Harry waves it off and approaches her with a smile.

"Is that for me?" she manages a small smile, pointing at the bag in his hand.

"You haven't been eating well and I'm worried," he frowns a little, handing over the bag.

With a smile, she takes the bag and inhales the content. It's a familiar place that makes Jamaican food just the way she loves it.

It reminds her of her grandmother's cooking and it makes her heart flutter at how thoughtful this man will forever be. She kisses his cheek and nods in agreement.

"I'm trying," Blue replies.

"Do you think we can try together?" Harry calmly keeps eye contact.

"I'm fine," she says.

"And we both know that you're not," he counters.

"Can we do this later? Zayn is almost here and I swore that I was ready," Blue tries to deflect.

Right, Harry remembers that they promised to watch Zayn and his new partner's daughter. For someone who's heavily nervous around children, he shocked them all by agreeing to babysit with Blue.

The relationship is relatively new and Zayn is filling big shoes, so this is the least he can do for his friend.

This is the second time meeting the little girl and the first time officially meeting Zayn's new partner. He knows this means a lot to Zayn and he wants to be a great friend.

The idea of interacting with a child makes him anxious because communication is always a huge problem, but lately he's been coming out of his shell and he's willing to let it flow.

The little girl already seems like an angel, so here's hoping she stays that way.

"Are you nervous?" he asks with a small smile.

"No, I just want you to be comfortable," Blue points out.

"Me? I'm just here to support you and fade into the background," he pouts.

"C'mon, you promised," she nudges him.

"Hearing Kids don't like me, I'm too boring for them," he chuckles a little.

"Oh please, any kid that says that is an idiot," Blue rolls her eyes.

"Okay, that's rude. They have a point, I can't do much with them," Harry shrugs a bit.

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