My Baby!

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Trigger warning : loss. BSL - bold. (Kindly comment as you read, comments go such a long way, you have no idea how your words matter to me, thank you x)

Blue weakly flutters her eyes open and instantly places her palm over his cold counterparts. He jerks awake with a low grunt and looks relieved to see her up.

"B-Blue...," he breathes out, relieved.

They instantly embrace each other and he buries his face into the crook of her neck, fighting tears of anxiety and relief.

Blue softly inhales the familiar scent that makes her feel safe and that feels like home.

His curls lightly tickle her face and she slowly pulls away from the hug. It takes her a second to register that she's in a hospital ward and she's wearing a pale blue hospital gown. There's an IV taped to her hand and everything feels a little woozy.

The last thing she remembers was a painfully heavy period and passing out in the kitchen. Blue looks at Harry and shakily exhales. The man is tired and it's easy to tell from the dullness of his usually heightened eyes.

He brings his hand to gently rub her knee, giving her a weak smile. She brings her fingers to caress his beautiful face and tenderly press a kiss on his forehead.

A part of her wonders if he struggled to get her through the emergency unit, but there are other things to worry about.

"How are you?" she signs with a smile.

"I'm the one asking questions around here," he smiles, unable to hide his joy in seeing her awake.

"Tired and confused. Why am I here?" she asks, choosing to remain calm.

"You had a fall after complaining about cramps," he explains.

"Have you been able to talk with the doctor?" Blue frowns a little.

"It's been rough, but they found an interpreter for me," Harry forces a smile.

Blue nods in understanding and pulls him closer by the arm. Harry calmly sits next to her on the small bed, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder and she keeps rubbing his arm. Something she does when the anxiety starts building up. He repeatedly presses warm kisses into her curls as they wait.

Some minutes after, a middle aged doctor waltzes in with an apologetic facial expression that Harry instantly registers.

"You're finally up. That was a long 12 hours, was it?" the man speaks.

Harry frowns a little and waves his hand to get the doctor's attention.

"Where's the little woman from last night?" he asks.

"He needs an interpreter," Blue speaks up.

"Blimey, Flora!" the doctor calls out.

A smallish woman in bright floral scrubs rushes in and stands right next to the doctor with a super warm smile. It's either fake or this woman loves her job with her life.

"Hello, who needs me today?" She speaks and signs.

"That's me," Harry signs at her.

"Hi there, I'm Nurse F-L-O-R-A," she smiles at him.

"H-A-R-R-Y," he replies, not smiling just yet.

"Sorry I wasn't here earlier, the children's ward is so busy today," Flora explains.

"You need more professionals that can sign, deaf people use the hospital too, you know?" Harry is a little irritated at the system.

Flora turns to the doctor with a frown and continues signing as she verbally speaks to him.

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