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"Mama, I'll be fine." I shooed her. "Go."

She was leaning out the window, most of her body extended my way. She was rambling on and on in Spanish. I could only pick up half of what she was saying, the half I could barely understand.

"Natalie, are you sure you don't want to live with your tía? It'll save money!"

I gripped onto the handle of my luggage and forced a smile. "I'm okay Mama, the internship is paying for my apartment. I'll be okay."

She sighed as she turned to talk to my father, she was trying to convince him to convince me to go live with my Aunt Kim. I made eye contact with him as he looked over my mama's shoulder towards me. I tapped on my wrist indicating she was making me late.

He pushed up his glasses and rubbed his face before pointing at me. "Silvia, you're going to make her miss her flight. I promise," his hands cupped her face. "She will be okay, she's a strong willed girl. Got it from this amazing woman I know."

I could barely hear my mama swooning, my dad shot me a wink as I turned to head into the airport. One would think an airport would be bigger but when you live in Oklahoma, its not. The main airport a majority of everyone uses is located in Oklahoma City, which is almost a 4 hour drive from my hometown.

I was almost through the doors when I heard her voice calling out she loves me and all other kinds of embarrassing things. Everyone was looking at me, it was only 5 am and I'm sure these people were just as tired as I was. Which means they were getting irritated with her. I looked over my shoulder and made a motion with my hand telling her to lower her voice. I pulled out my phone and sent her a quick 'I love you too' text before hurrying inside.

My plane was to be taking off at 5:30, which means I had about 30 minutes to get through security, bagging and everything. Mothers. Always making us late and for what?

I was luck enough that I got through customs without a pat down and without having any of issues. I still had about fifteen minutes before my plane boarded, I decided to grab a quick bite to eat since I was starving. The only place open that I even felt like eating at was McDonald's, yay for me. I stood in line and pulled out my phone.

"You cut me."

I looked up from my phone towards the voice. My eyes landed on a white man sitting down on a bench meters away from the line. He has tight brown curls, he looks broad and he had full lips. He was wearing these silver wire glasses with black trim that seemed to frame his beautiful brown eyes perfectly. He was grinning at me as he stood up, my eyes scanned his body. He was wearing black joggers and a simple grey hoodie. He had to be like 6'1.

I crossed my arms over my chest as he came towards me. When he was right next to me he practically towered over me. "How did I cut you exactly?"

He chuckled as he rubbed his chin. "I was in line."

"No you weren't." I pointed out. "You were sitting over there, that does not indicate you were in line."

He kind of frowned and nodded. "I think it does my dear." He shifted the bag on his back. "You see, this line," he motioned to the three other people in front of us. "When it starts to form it moves in a diagonal direction," he turned me in the said direction. "Which means, it leads to my bench. Therefore I was in line."

I frowned and looked up at him. "What kind of logic is that?"

"The kind that comes from a guy who's done this before."

I rolled my eyes. "Your logic is dumb, sir."

He pretended like he was offended. He held out his hand towards me. "Tell me pretty thing, how many times have you been in this airport?" He held up his hand to his ear.


"Twice!" He now had his hand on his heart. "Thats sweet. I've been here for about 28 times. At least I think, I just know I can't count on one hand how many times I've been here."

I rolled my eyes. "The point is?"

"I know more about your airport than you do."

I snorted. "Yeah okay."

He grinned at me. "What flight are you on?"

"Flight 235"

He nodded as he held up his finger. "Flight 235 from Oklahoma to New York now boarding."

I just shook my head at him. "You are quite annoyi-" the intercom chimed as a lady's voice came over.

"Flight 235 from Oklahoma to New York now boarding."

I looked at him. "Annoying." I finished as I grabbed my suitcase. I headed towards the terminal but he was right on my trails. "I don't have time to banter back and forth."

"Bantering? Was that what we were doing?" He sounded surprised.

"Are you like a stalker or something?" I huffed as I pushed pass people.

"No, why do you say that?"

I looked over my shoulder at him as I held out my hand in front of me. "You're following me."

It was his turn to snort. "This is my flight too silly girl, don't flatter yourself."

This was his flight too? How annoying. We were practically rushing each other to get to the terminal as fast as we could. It was like we were eleven or something. Either way, I beat him. He stood in the line behind me mutter incoherent things as he tried to catch his breath. I just grinned to myself.

The line was kind of long so we were standing there for a few minutes. As time ticked by I could feel him playing with my hair. I turned around and looked at him. "What is your deal?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

His glasses were now ontop of his head as he tilted it to the side. A smirk formed on his lips as his hand reached out and caught the end of my hair. My hair was long so when he did this his fingertip brushed against my breast. "I was just imagine what this beautiful mane would look like fisted in a hand."

I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. "Why would you be wondering a weird think like that?"

His smirk seemed to go deeper as his eyes transitioned from a honey brown to a dark brown. "Ever been in the mile high club?"

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