Chapter 8

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"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I yelled at the obnoxious person banging on my door. I swung it open to see Graham. "Oh its you."

"Why are you still in pajamas?" He tilted his head sideways as his eyes scanned every inch of exposed skin.

"I'm getting dressed." I stated as I walked away, heading to the kitchen. I picked up my piece of toast and looked at him. "Why are you here?"

"You haven't been in the office for two days." He huffed as he shut the door. He walked over and placed both his hands on the counter. "Is it because of your date with Mark?"

I scoffed as I took a bite of my toast. "Absolutely not. I told you I have to meet with different vendors so I won't be into work til tomorrow."

He opened his mouth and closed it. His eyes scanned my face. "Did you sleep with him?"

I nearly spit out my toast. "Excuse me?" I sat it down and dusted my hands before heading to my room.

"You heard me."

I snorted. "Thats not your business."

I turned to look at him as I got to my door. I ran into his chest. His eyes were darker than normal. "Did you fuck him."

The way the words sounded sent chills down my spine. When I didn't answer him, his movements were so so fast I hardly knew what happened until his hand was already around my throat.

My head was tilted up as his thumb rubbed small circles into my neck. "Tell me."


"No what?"

"I did not fuck him."

He let go of my neck as his entire demeanor went back to the way it was before. "Why not?"

I shrugged. "He didn't bring me flowers."

He raised his eyebrows. "I didnt get you flowers."

I rolled my eyes and walked into my room. "That was different."


He followed me causing me to stop. I placed a hand on my hips and looked at him. "Excuse you."

He raised his eyebrows.

"I'm about to change, get out."

He just chuckled as he walked towards me. "I've seen it before."

My heart rate picked up as my back was now against the dresser. "Doesn't mean you get to see it again."

"Hmm" He looked me up and down.

"Serioualy get the fuck out." I hissed as my skin heated up.

"Tsk, such a dirty mouth." His hand came up and his thumb rubbed against my bottom lip. "Might as well get on your knees princess."

I scoffed. I tilted my head up causing his hand to rest on the side of my neck. "Why don't you get on your knees prince." I was mocking him and he knew it.

A wicked smile spread across his lips. "I don't get on my knees sweetheart."

"Is that so?"

"Yes ma'am."

I just rolled my eyes as he fingered my shirt. "I can't help it..this sheer shirt exposing your nipples like that." He pinched one of my nipples between his fingers causing me to hiss. "And these short shorts," he tucks at my shorts. He sighs. "No wonder I'm horny angel."

He leaned forward so his breath was in my ear. "And I bet you are too."

"You bet wrong" I choke out.

He hummed as he backed up, slowly he took off his blazer. "Guess we'll find out." He starts flicking his buttons undone.

I snatched his shirt. "Can you please not get naked with my door opened?"

"Do you want me to close it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No I don't "

A smirk played on his lips. "What are you hiding princess."


"Tsk tsk, tell me now or I'll never touch you again."

I let go of his shirt and turned my back to him. "My roommate went out on a jog, he'll be back soon."

"And? Almost getting caught makes it fun." His lips were on my neck. "Remember?"

There's a knock on the door.

"Occupied." He grunts as he thrusts into me.
He had to cover my mouth with his hand.

The knocking continued. "I said fucking occupied!"

We were both on edge and this was really killing the mood. He laughs as whoever it is has a conversation right outside the door.

"What's so funny?"

"You enjoying this."

"Sex? Of course I enjoy sex."

He thrust into me hard causing me to gasps. He leaned forward and nipped at my bottom lip. "No, you like almost getting caught."

I rolled my eyes. "Do not."

"Oh really?" He raised his eyebrows as he pace slowed down. Fuck me.

There was another knock on the door. "Sir, we have to ask you to come out, or we're coming in." The sound of keys caused my heart to speed up.

I grabbed the back of his neck. "If I admit it will you just finish fucking me?"

"Like no tomorrow."

I turned around and looked at him. "You think you know me, but you dont."

"I know your body baby girl, and-" He looked me up and down. "It looks like it's ready to play."

This man frustrates me to no end. I ran my hands over my face. "Fine. Okay fine."

He frowned. "That doesn't sound like you want to participate."

I scoffed. "I am not begging you to fuck me."

"I wasn't asking to fuck you." His eyes flickered to ny lips

I rolled my eyes and pointed at him. "If you want me to do that you have to beg for it."

He grinned. "I thought," he snatched my neck bring my face closer to his. "We discussed this already." His eyes darkened. "I don't beg and I definitely don't force. If you want to suck my cock baby girl, you just have to ask."

My eyes were flickering back and forth from his eyes to his lips. I mumbled under my breath. He raised his eyebrows. I mumbled again. "Speak up Natalie."

I sighed. "Can I?"

"Can you what?"

I glared at him. "Really?"

He was smirking. "Really."

"Can I suck your cock?"

"Can you suck my cock what?"

I gritted my teeth. "Please?"

"Since you asked so nicely, yes you can." He was grinning like a school boy as he dropped his pants.

I dropped to my knees and looked up at him. He still was grinning. "Better hurry up before that roommate of yours comes home."

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