Chapter 12

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grahams pov

They were laughing. They were relaxed, which is good. It was my job to make sure they were relaxed. However the stubborn price beside me really was getting annoying.

"Sir, I promise this benefit is going to be amazing." Mark exaggerated.

He wormed his way into this car and he was lucky I didn't beat his ass. Bill and Jack were too nice to this guy. "I'm sure it will considering Natalie did all the work." I cleared my throat and looked out the window.

I could feel Mark's hard gaze staring me down. He straightened his tie as his annoying little voice echoed in the car. "She did help with the minor details, she's good that one."

I turned my head to see he was staring at me. I licked my lips as a smirk played on my across them. "She is, very good in fact," the smile that once danced across his face was now gone. Checkmate asshole. I turned my attention back to Jack and Bill, I'm too old to have a pissing contest with this kid.

"In fact Jack, Bill, I think you'll love her. She's so intelligent, not to mention she has your sense of humor." I was talking her up, as she should be. She had only been here for a short period of time and she took over a job that wasn't even hers to do. Not to mention that she has worked really hard to make this event go off with a bang, and I'll be damned if I let this dickwad take any credit for it.

"Well she sounds amazing" Jack nodded. "Can't wait to meet her."

"She's an intern right?" Bill looked up from picking picking a piece of lint off of his suit.

"She is." Mark chimed in, he was smug for no reason. It took everything in me not to snort as Bill just side-eyed him.

"Does she have potential Fitzgerald?"

"Of course she does, in fact, I think she's better than me." Oooh, that definitely bruised the ego, but its the truth. She beat me at my best time at fixing a computer.


"Are enough being serious?" She scoffed as she went to close the door in my face.

I stopped it with my foot. "Yes, dead serious Jackson, open the fucking door." I stared at her.

She huffed and opened the door wide open. She waved her arm. "Come in then."

I walked passed her, noting that she was in a skimmy half tank top and shorts that bunched up her ass. No wonder she's in a bad mood all the time, she sleeps with fabric in her ass.

I set down the fucked up montior on her table. She quickly tied her hair up before nudging them. "It looks like someone smashed it with a hammer."

I did.

"I found them like this."

She huffed. "And your time is what?"

"3 minutes princess."

"Alright, let's do it."

"Is that so?" Jack raised his eyebrows.

"Please." Mark scoffed.

I ignored him again. "Yes, as much as it hurts its the truth. She fixed a smashed monitor in under minute."

"But did it work?" Mark rolled his eyes.

"Matter of fact, it sits under my desk and runs just fine." I snapped at him.

"We're here." The driver announced.

I was the first to get out of the car, I smiled and waved as cameras flashed. I stepped aside and let Jack and Bill out. Once Bill was out I shut the door on Mark and hurried to usher them inside.

Mark was right on our ass. If this pesty bug doesn't go away I might have to smash him. Jack and Bill got stopped to answer a few interview questions. I was smiling but I leaned into Mark. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

He was smiling too. "I could ask the same of you Fitzgerald."

"You know damn well Natalie did all of this work. If you try to take all the fucking credit I swear-"

"You'll do what Graham?" He turned and looked at me. "She offered her help, it's not my fault ma girl is a control freak."

I felt my fist tighten and my jaw clench. He slapped me on my shoulder "Smile Graham, their done." He point behind me. I quickly turned away from him and plastered a smile on my face. I had to or I was going to rock his shit.

When we got to the door we were given masquerade mask. Jack and Bill seemed to love that idea, but it was the inside that sold them on wanting to meet Natalie. Inside looked amazing and we were only in the entrance. There were deep red cloth handing from the ceiling. There was a stage set up with a live band playing soft music and tall tables draped in a cream cloth with white and black flowers as the center pieces.

Jack and Bill wondered off to greet people as I circled the room. I was taking in every last detail. It was all thought out perfectly. My eyes scanned the balcony area and locked on my target.

"Wow." Mark's eyes were glued on the same spot. Her walking down the stairs, better yet rushing down them but to me it was so much slower.

The blush dress I picked out looked stunning on her and it definitely made her stand out. The dress perfectly senched her waist and showed off her curves in a flirtatious way. The sleeves looked as if they were barely kissing her skin. She had added these dropped earrings that framed her face perfectly. Throughout the dress were the tiniest things of glitter which, when the light hit her dress just right it sparkled. She even seem to have glitter scattered across her exposed collar bone and shoulders.

She did her hair straight, but it was slicked back in the front and loose in the back. There were pearls dancing throughout the slick part of her hair. She looked stunning, like a dream. Not to mention her mask, whyd she get the cool looking one?

"She is fucking hot," Mark groaned, and like the child he is he nudged me. "Especially when she's naked dude."

I just brushed him off. "I don't have to see her naked to know her worth." I made my way to her and grabbed her hand spinning her around.

I dipped my head down so my lips were near her ear. "You are breathtaking."

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