Curiosity killed the cat

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Pandora's box: a process that generates many complicated problems as the result of unwise interference in something.

This whole happy family facade was pissing me off. Sure he seemed like a nice guy but things aren't always what they appear to be. I wanted to dig deep into this man's psyche and figure out what makes him tick. It wouldn't be an easy task since his expertise lies in psychology but this was just like playing checkers. I make a move then he does and if I make the right move, I can eventually get on the other side of the board. He'll be caught by surprise then all of a sudden I'll say, "king me". Ha! This would be fun.

I carefully made my way downstairs, trying my best to maneuver around certain steps that were creaky. Of course, I had to miscalculate and step in the wrong place. "Ah shit". "Mori is that you?" a deep voice asked from the kitchen. Uh oh. "Yeah, it's me". I hopped down, skipping the last step. "Were you trying to sneak up on me?" he said with a chuckle as I entered the living room. "Now why would you think that?" I asked playfully. "Plenty of the steps creak but you happened to only step on one". I narrowed my eyes. He's a little too observant.

"Come sit down we should talk" he gestured to the empty seats in front of the island. "Okay". I made my way over to the seat that was positioned parallel to him. "Would you like some coffee? I was just about to pour myself a cup". "Sure". I bit my bottom lip, trying to hold in a laugh. It didn't seem like he needed any caffeine. He set out a chipping grey mug in front of me and a navy blue one for himself. I don't know if it was deliberate but I didn't want the broken one. Once his back was facing me I quickly switched them. Hmph.

He turned back around, carrying the coffee pot with one hand. I watched as the dark brown liquid sloshed around. How hot was it? What would happened if someone poured it on themselves? Would their skin sizzle like bacon? I met his eyes, wanting to test that theory. "You aren't very talkative when your mother isn't around". I shrugged, "I normally don't have conversations with my mom's playthings". He frowned, silently pouring the coffee into each of the cups. "You're an exception though, my interest has been piqued". I held my breath waiting for some sort of reaction. "Hm" was all he said in return.

"How do you like yours?" I asked, trying to force a conversation. "Black". I scrunched up my nose, "that's no sugar or cream right?". He nodded, putting the cup to his lips. I watched as his adam's apple bobbed up and down with each gulp. He slammed the cup down, exhaling loudly. "I'm guessing you don't like coffee". I smiled, running my index finger around the rim. "Not necessarily". "Then why'd you take it, to be polite?". I rested my head on the center of my palm while looking into his eyes, "just because". "Why do you do that?". I frowned, "do what?". "You look people right in the eye then lie". I bit my lip, holding back a laugh. "why would I lie?". He remained silent, his facial expression darkening. How exciting.

"Well, you're the one that wanted to talk so speak up". He sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I just want us to get along".
But why. Why make such an effort when he doesn't have to? I just found it odd. It was so hard for me to believe that there were genuine people that didn't want anything in return. "you've been hurt before and that's why it's hard to open up right?". I rolled my eyes. Not this bullshit. "That's a bit cliche don't you think?".
"I wouldn't call it cliche, people cope in different ways and that's perfectly normal". His words seemed sincere but his blank stare was creeping me out.

"Would you like to go to an art show?". I blinked, taken aback by the randomness of the question. "Uh, what type of art?". He shrugged, "I'm not sure actually, some of my colleges mentioned it so I got two tickets". "So it's a date". He loudly cleared his throat, visibly uncomfortable. "If you think I'm unattractive just say so" I teased, pretending to pout. "That's not-". "So you do find me attractive?". He scratched the back of his neck, "well you're a child".
"If I wasn't?". "That's beside the point, Mori". I dipped the tips of my ring finger and middle in the cup of coffee then shoved them in my mouth. "Mmm," I moaned softly while looking into his eyes.

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