Les fleurs

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"To influence a person is to give him one's own soul. He does not think his natural thoughts, or burn with his natural passions. His virtues are not real to him. His sins, if there are such things as sins, are borrowed. He becomes an echo of someone else's music, an actor of a part that has not been written for him."  —- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray.

I was going to kill her. I didn't care that Roman found me incapable, or that it was morally wrong. I. Was. Going. To. Kill. That. Bitch. "Well don't you think you should at least weigh your options?" Adonis asked while toying with a knife. I had invited him into my disturbed mind and gave a very detailed tour. We took a walk down memory lane where he met the trio; rage, trauma, and morality—who was bedridden for some unknown reason. He treated them all with a gentleness similar to when he handled the kitten right before its death.

I had forgiven him for the invasive paintings and funnily enough, offered to be his muse. Now we sat on my couch watching American Psycho while discussing life's utmost important questions such as how to properly dispose of a body. "If I don't kill her baby then it'll grow up abused and neglected just like me". He opened his mouth then closed it. I hated how he wasn't able to fully speak his mind in fear of how I may react. "Always so gentle and considerate, how I aspire to be like you". He made a face at my blatant sarcasm.

There was a little devil perched on my shoulder that whispered sweet nothings, while an angel mourned over yet another loss. "M-M-Mori do you think th-th-that you're making excuses?". He was right. Deep down I could care less about the well-being of my unborn sibling, it was only a lie to mask my selfishness. "If I disguise this as an act of justice then it will be an act of justice". "NO!" He shot up from the couch, sending the knife flying onto the floor. "Pl-please don't become this person...I-I know life h-has treated you unfairly and I'm sorry b-b-but you don't have to become what torments—"

Ding dong.

I quickly stood up, thankful for the interruption. "Be right back". He picked up the knife and sat back down. I couldn't help but feel uneasy as I made my way towards the door. Maybe I'm a pessimist but normally when someone comes knocking at seven pm on a Friday, it's bad news. Wait what if it was the police? I hesitated. What if they found another body and came to warn me or interrogate me... then I'd have to pretend to be sad instead of excited. I haven't yet mastered a shocked expression without it turning into a full-blown smirk. Oh well.

I opened the door.

Cold stone eyes met mine. "Who is it?" Adonis asked from the living room. We stared at each other, anger hidden in our gaze but for different reasons. "Do you know why I'm here?" Roman asked calmly. I shook my head. The last time I had spoken to him was two days ago when he casually mentioned killing me. "I'm here because I wanted to see you", he took a step forward, pushing me further inside the house. "Although before I jump to conclusions, I want you to tell me WHO is in that room". When I didn't answer he walked inside, shutting the door with a loud slam.

"Please calm down". "You would raise hell if I hung out with another girl and yet here you are all cozy with this little shit while watching my favorite movie". I was at loss for words. He was making it seem like I meticulously planned all of this just to hurt him. "You're overreacting". I shouldn't have said that. I knew I shouldn't have said that but the way he was going about things was pissing me off. He can't just barge into my house unannounced acting as if I cheated or something.

He grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the stairs. "Roman wait". His gripped tightened, squeezing my tendons in an uncomfortable position. "No, we need to talk". "Sh-sh-she said wait" Adonis stated firmly, stepping to my defense. "Wh-who was talking to you" Roman mocked. "You're full of shit" Adonis muttered. "What did you just say?". I turned around, giving Adonis a 'be quiet' look. It didn't seem to register. "I said y-you-you-you're full of shit". Roman moved forward, trying to assert his dominance over Adonis. This would've been entertaining if I wasn't in the middle of it.

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