Human hunter

666 43 8

Man is the only animal that kills to kill

"Yet another body has been discovered within the span of two days, the victim was twenty three year old Roxy Newton. The police department has put out a statement, warning civilians of a supposed serial killer". I glanced up at the T.V, taking a final sip of my limonade. A serial killer huh? My lips curled into a smile. Now, this was exciting. A picture of poor Roxy Newton flashed across the screen. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a soft smile. Good thing I don't resemble her whatsoever.

I tossed the rest of the lemonade into the sink and headed for the door. Roman was coming to pick me up since I needed his help to gather materials for my plan. He knew everything there was to know about the human body and how to manipulate it. Maybe he's the killer. I chuckled at the thought. "Ah, Mori where are you going?". I froze at the sound of James' voice. "What's it to you?". The stairs creaked as he made his way down them. I watched wearily. "Didn't you hear about all of those bodies showing up? You should be careful". Ever since they had gotten married, he's been acting more like a father figure. It was nice....I guess.

"Mhm, I'll be careful".

"The kid next door stopped by yesterday and said he was coming over today". Adonis had become obsessed with me. At first, I thought the drawing was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen but then he showed me the others. I was naked in all of them, every detail down to the little pink scar going down my chest was plastered on the large canvases. It was as if he was spying on me. To make matters worse, the majority of the paintings were filled with gore. He had somehow managed to turn each painting into a scene from a snuff film.

"Tell him I'm with Roman".

"That's a cruel thing to do".

I shrugged, reaching for the door. "See ya".
"I'll join you if that's okay". No, it was not, I wanted to be alone. "Better to be safe", he followed like a little fly. It was broad daylight, no one with common sense would dare to snatch me up. How lame, I could use some excitement. Buzz buzz buzz buzz. What was that noise? Oh, wait it's just the little fly talking. He rambled on about who knows what. I sat down, stretching my legs across the scorching blacktop. He sat down beside me. Here we were just sitting. No more buzz buzz of a fly.

He dug into his pocket and pulled out a pack of Marlboro cigarettes. Normally I'd scrunch up my nose and look the other way, but with him... something was enthralling—-classy, about the way he held the cancer stick in between his lips, brows furrowed with concentration as the lighter flickered life into the end. Smoke exited his nose with a single exhale. Romanticism at its finest. "Would you like a hit". I cringed. Sharing a cigarette was something intimate, we'd both be inhaling each other's toxicity.

"No thank you". He side eyed me, smirking at my refusal. "Don't look at me like that, I just might form an Electra complex". I was baiting him. No one was here to perform for so take off your costume. "I don't think you know what that means" he stated flatly. What a hard fish to catch, a stronger bait is needed. "It's a Freudian theory that says girls want to kill their mothers and fuck their fathers". "Mori—".
"It's really not hard to understand, I wanna kill my mother and when you look at me like that well..put two and two together".
His neutral expression didn't waver, not even the slightest.

"You're trying to do something—what, I'm unsure of but when you say things like this, one cannot help but be disturbed".
I scoffed, "oh please". He exhaled, sending smoke in my direction. "You think your mindset is normal?". I was noticing a particular pattern whenever he spoke, there were a whole lot of "you's" and less of "I". That's why my bait wasn't working, he always flipped the subject back to me somehow. "How do you feel" I sang, trying to play it off as a casual, noninvasive question. "About?". "Anything, you don't talk about yourself, you're just a flat character".

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