you might break when you fall

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felix's pov-
i wait outside my apartment building, playing with my school uniform, waiting for chan. should i text him ?? where is he i get my phone out to text him when.. oh he's calling ?

"hey chan, i was about to text, where are you " i ask, hoping that he's on his way. although it's spring the weather is still cold.

"oh sorry felix, cant walk today " he seems calm, there's even conversation in the background. that's odd.

i ignore the voices in the background "oh no are you sick, do you want me to bring you medicine after school, or i can write all your notes for you " i ask, making sure he's not unwell or in any pain.

"no no im not sick im just walking with someone else today ! " he spits out, sounding like he's attempting to rap.

"oh.. who are you walking with ? " i ask, trying to keep my voice and not stutter.

"changbin and minho, they asked if i wanted to get breakfast with them " don't they live in the opposite direction to the school.

"oh ok.. well i got to go otherwise i might be late, bye " i pinch at my uniform, uncomfortable with the new information.

i quickly hang up.. that's never happened before, did chan get bored of me ? i mean changbin and minho are more his friends than mine so its understandable that they are with him. taking a deep breath, i start walking to hell. maybe i could call jisung ? no ! i only met him yesterday i don't want to be too clingy, he might find that annoying.

i keep walking as i hear my phone ring.. oh hey its jisung !! i swear whatever is out there is listening to my thoughts.

"hi lix, i just saw your friends coming out a cafe and you weren't there ? " he sounds confused and slightly concerned, especially knowing about them distancing.

"chan said he was invited to go out with them to eat breakfast " i explain as i cross the road.

"wait so he left you to walk alone " i hear heavy footsteps on the other line and heavy breathing.

"pffft no !.. yes "  i don't even try to lie, he knows too much.

"where are you ? " he pants out, is he running ?!

i look around for the street sign, finally finding it. i squint at it trying to make out the name. "um on park street, why ? "

"ok stay there, im like a street away " he hangs up. what just happened.

i awkwardly stay in place, looking around for my chaotic squirrel. where is he ? its still cold. im cold.

"felixxxxx " i turn around to see jisung running up to me. nobody has ever ran for me ??! felix stop.

"hey sung " he holds my hand and we start walking to school, instantly feeling warm again.

"anyway why did chris ditch you ? " he asks while rubbing his thumb on my knuckle. why does every make me so soft when it's with him.

"maybe i really annoy him and he wants friends that don't want to die ? " i feel jisungs grip on my hand tighten, clearly not happy with what i said.

"well he's dumb. you're the best, how could he not want to be your friend ? but saying that if he isn't around that just means more felix for me " i start laughing at his last comment.

"sunggg what lesson do we have first ?? " i ask since we have the same timetable just different teachers.

"umm science ?? " he questions. probably not sure if we do share class schedule.

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