no need to worry, i'm here for you

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felix's pov-
it's been just over two months since me and jisung started talking. it's early may, things have been good ! he's very flirty and well hugs last a little longer than a usual friendship but that's normal ?

right now its a thursday night sitting on a field watching the sunset.. kinda gay. "hey felix, the sun makes you look like a pretty pretty fairy " i push his face away.

"you always say i look like a fairy " jisung smiles and pats my head, going to play with my growing mullet. my hair still a white blonde and his dark blue.

"its because you're my little fairy " i pout and look away "no felix look at me, i wanna see your pretty eyes " i turn and look at jisung. wow he's so attractive.

is is he getting closer ?! do i close my eyes omg omg !! i close my eyes and lean in. he puts one hand on the side of my face and the other on my hip. he kisses me !! this must be a dream.

"bye chris " we get to school and chan leaves to go study for his test this morning, i walk into the school building and.. everyone is looking at me ? what happened !? did i not tie my tie properly ?

i start walking down the hall a little quicker, just trying to get to my maths class. i suddenly get pushed again the wall and sadly not in the hot way.

"felix why did you tell everyone we kissed !? " he punched the wall next to my head, if this was any other situation it would be hot but this feels a little too violent and hateful. i start pinching my uniform and biting the inside of my cheek.

"i- i didn't " i force out, jisung rolls his eyes and scoffs. "i promise someone must have seen it " i try not to sound desperate.

"excuses " he starts to walk off, i go to grab his wrist making him push me back, strong enough for me to fall onto the dusty floor.

"jisung ? you don't believe me " i wipe the tears threatening to fall , i get up and dust off my uniform. "fine leave do what you said you wouldn't " i run off to the bathroom.. guess im skipping lessons today.

half way through second period jisung's friend hyunjin walks in "oh my fuck felix ? are you ok !? " hyunjin ? hyunjin runs over and sits next to me. "hey hey what happened " he rubs my back.

"jisung hates me " i take a shakey breath "i didn't tell anyone we kissed i don't know how people found out but he doesn't believe me " i rub my eyes, trying to get rid of any tears.

hyunjin pauses "i overheard minho and changbin telling jeongin that they saw you two kiss " i look up at him.

"but changbin and minho are my friends ? " hyunjin looks down at the floor, probably finding a new topic to perhaps cheer me up.

"how about we get out of here and go get something to eat ? " hyunjin gets up, dusting his uniform off, i do the same. he looks at my face and wipes my tears.

we sneak out of school and walk down into the mall area. "where shall we get our lunch " hyunjin awkwardly shoves his hands into his pockets. i look around at the empty streets.

"mmm how about the small café um um what's the name.. sweet chaos !! " hyunjin nods and leads the way. we walk in and sit down at a table by the window.

"felix what do you want, i'll pay " hyunjin says while getting his wallet out of his bag.

"oh um just a slice of cake please and i'll pay you back " hyunjin shakes his head and orders for us, after a few minutes he comes back with our stuff.

"hey um felix can i tell you something ?? " i hum in response while having a bite of cake, this is a good cake. "i don't want to make this weird but i have the biggest crush on you, im not asking you out or anything since you clearly have feelings for someone else i just wanted to tell you and maybe become your friend "

"you have a crush on me ?! like on me as in lee felix ?? " i feel completely overwhelmed with this new information. hyunjin starts laughing and nods "i mean if you said something three maybe four months ago i would've given you a chance but now i really like j- "

"jisung " hyunjin says in a panic, i turn my head to see jisung and.. jeongin walk in ??

"d- do you think they're on a date ?! has he already found a replacement, oh god chan was right." i whisper to hyunjin.

"no they couldn't be.. jeongin has a boyfriend " he whispers back, not replying to the other statements.

"omg hyunjin, felix ?! you guys are on a date woah felix you're such a player ! kissing jisung then going on a date with his best friend " jeongin says a little too loud while walking over to us. i yet again got to pinch my uniform and peal the skin off my lip while keeping my eyes on my half eaten cake.

"jeongin it's not a date. i found felix crying in the school toilets so im cheering him up " hyunjin makes sure jisung can hear him while looking at jeongin with disgust. (im sorry im sorry im sorry ).

while they have their weird starting contest i put the money on the table and sneak out of the café trying not to cry.

i walk to the closets park and sit on a bench. it doesn't take long for me to hear heavy footsteps in the distance, i turn to see an out of breath hyunjin, oh how i wish it was jisung. "sorry for walking off.. i was feeling uncomfortable " hyunjin sighs and sits down next to me.

"god i hate jeongin " (im sorry im sorry ily innie ).

"i thought he was the cute soft boy of our year group " i scratch my neck, unknowing of what to say due to my lack of knowledge of the people i share classes with.

hyunjin scoffs "he's always trying to get jisung to be his friend, he tried to spread rumours that i said jisung was gay ?! it turns out seungmin saw jisung kissing a guy and told jeongin " hyunjin runs a finger through his hair "he's always been jealous of our friendship , guess he's jealous of you and jisung now "

"i- i miss jisung " hyunjin rubs my back "thankyou for cheering me up, if this was chan he would just say i told you so and im not close enough to tell minho or changbin "

"im always here if you need to rant "

spice. lol hyunjin really trying something, little shorter than the others <\3

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