don't tell me you're fine when you're not

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(has an argument beware things may be said
felix's pov
i have my head on jisungs chest as he quietly raps along to the music. "i love your voice " he immediately stops.

"omg i thought you were asleep ?! don't scare me like that " he stops playing with my hair.

"n no why did you stop ! " i cuddle into him. he smiles and goes back to playing with my hair. "i meant the rapping but im fine with this "

"what if i write a song for you, what would you do " he starts stroking my hair as you would a cat.

"depends what kind of song , a love song ? kiss you but if you write a dis- " jisung interupts me.

"yes of course a love song you idiot " i smile, thinking of jisung sing makes me all soft and warm.

"well you better get writing if you want that kiss " he scoffs.

"i could get a kiss without writing the song " i shake my head in disagreement and slowly go to sleep.

"felix no " chan says as he puts his lunch on the table "hey changbin and minho " i also say hi to them and carry on my debate with chan.

"but i would be so hot ! " chan rolls his eyes.

"no you'll get the clothes and be too scared to wear them in public " i sigh.

"what are you guys even talking about ? " minho asks, scared to know the answer.

"felix wants to dress like twice in their perfect world mv " changbin starts laughing while chan looks a little dead inside.

"sounds hot " jisung sits next to me, scaring the whole table.

"where did you ?!??! how ? " jisung laughs and messes up my hair.

"chriss let him wear the outfits he would look so good ! " jisung complains to a very tired chan.

"ok no more talk about felix in twice outfits, i got a date " jisung looks at him in shock , minho and changbin seem suprised but not bothered enough to give a dramatic reaction while i choke on my food while laughing "what's so funny about that ?! "

"chan your dog doesn't count as a date " jisung laughs at my comment.

"no me and hyunjin are going out on thursday " jisung gets offended.

"so you hate me but you would go on a date with my best friend  "

"well han your best friend didn't break jeongins nose did he ?! " jisung angrily holds my arm while glaring at chan.

"yeah but chan.. hyunjin is known for breaking people's hearts do you really want to be another person to his long list " minho gives a good point.

"you guys need to stay out my business, it's my love life not yours " we all laugh until changbin speaks up

"you say that while you tried to get jisung out of felixs life with spreading the kissing rumour " i stop laughing and look at chan.

i stand up in disgust "that was you ? " jisung stands up with me, looking at chan with hatred. "you're the one who tried to make jisung hate me all because you didn't like him ?! " i feel myself getting angry.

chan also stands up "i told you i didnt like him and yet you decided to keep hanging out with him !? he's turning you against me " i scoff at his argument.

"at least jisung treats me as if i have feelings while you act as if im just a fucking background character in your life, like im something that forgets every mean thing you've said either to my face or behind my back " chan goes to make his point "no im not done. you've treated me like shit these past few years and when i finally found a friend who cared about me you didn't like it and tried to get rid of him. you put the blame on someone else who now has a broken nose "

minho and changbin sit there in shock while jisung pulls me closer to him, using himself as a shield if chan got violent and chan, chan starts laughing "you made it sound like i wanted to be friends with an attention seeking whiney bitch like you. ive seen the marks on your arms and how you wouldn't eat just for attention, felix you're an only child with chill parents you have no issues you're just being dramatic, i was trying to protect jisung from getting used by you "

"you don't even know my family situation, don't talk about me like you know what's going on ?! " i start to tear up, blinking to get rid of them so chan can't use it against me in this arguement "i wouldn't ever tell you any of my issues because i know you would tell people behind my back and make fun of me, christopher people only like you because you're rich, you don't actually have a personality do you "

chan doesn't answer. "that's what i thought, you don't have anything to say because you know its true " i turn to jisung and whisper "c can we skip " he nods and drags me out of school.

"sung.. i thought you said jeongin was the one who spread the rumours " i feel a few tears start leaving my eyes.

"i mean he had something to do with it but.. no he still deserved what i did, he made fun of you " he turns and notices "oh baby please don't cry please no don't waste your tears on that man "

"i i didn't mean to say them things ! im such a bad person, what if i hurt his feelings oh no i should go back and apologise " jisung pulls me into a backhug "im so sorry you saw that side of me, i don't usually get that angry it's one of the things i have in common with my mother "

"hey hey its not your fault " he turns me around "if i was in your situation i probably would've broke his legs " i cry into jisungs shoulder "hey kitten please stop crying for me, come on you look so much prettier when you're smiling " jisung strokes the back of my head "come on angel "

i look up at jisung "i like that one " jisung smiles.

"good anyway it's lunchtime and im hungry " jisung holds my hand "shall we go to sweet chaos or shit what's the name of it um man in a movie "

"i don't wanna see Chris can we go to man in a movie ? " he squeezes my hand and agrees.

"after we pick up some food we can go to mine and mm i don't know nap ? " i nod and we start walking to man in a movie.

hehe felix has mommy issues lol (same )

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