look at my smile, it's all for you

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felix's pov-
i silently cry into one of jisungs hoodies that he gave me. i haven't eaten anything today i mean what's the point when the person i love hates me and is replacing me ?! calling him all our nicknames, hanging out in our hang out spots and doing things only we did.

should i call hyunjin ? he did say call if i needed help. i grab my phone and search for his contact, it doesn't take long considering my lack of friends.

he answers almost instantly. "hey felix ?? " i take a deep breath "you ok there ?? need help " he asks, concerned.

"h hyunjin he replaced me.. he left me it hurts so much " i hold back a sob. this must be pathetic.

"felix you want to go on a walk ?? " he ask. i hear background noise, probably him getting up.

"yes please " i mumble.

"ok, i'll text you the information !! " i say bye and hang up, getting up and putting the hoodie on before grabbing my keys and leaving.

i sit on a bench and wait for hyunjin to show up, going on my phone and scrolling through instagram. look at jisung's recent post. "felix you need to stop looking at that " i jump in shock from hyunjin.

"omg how long have you been standing there ?! " i get up while hyunjin laughs.

"just as you started looking at jisungs instagram account " i sigh "hey hey its ok he's probably doing the same right now " hyunjin pats my back. we start walking around the park.

"hyunjin.. you're close to jisung right ? " he hums "h has he ever done this before like you know just start hanging out with someone he barely knew ?? "  hyunjin takes a moment to think.

"no i don't think he's ever done that.. yeah no this is a first " i look at the floor, probably thinking if his next statement should be said. "hey felix if he truly wanted you out of his life he would've beaten you up by now " i look up at him in shock.

"jisung is too soft to hurt someone ?! " hyunjin starts laughing. i give him a confused look.

"you make him soft, ive seen him break a guys jaw before " he stops laughing and says with full serious.

"hyunjin i think you're being dramatic.. have you not seen how cute he is ?! like aa " i smile to myself, thinking about how cute he is.

"no no like he's really good in fights.. anyway felix you want to get jisungs attention right ?? " i look up at him confused.

"w what do you mean by that ? " i slow down a bit, scared of whatever he's planning on saying.

"why don't we make him jealous " he smiles as if its the best idea he's ever thought of. i think back to his confession at the cafe.

".. no " he turns in shock "i don't want to hurt his feelings " hyunjin scoffs, upset with my decision.

"felix don't you want to make him notice you ?! " i shake my head, making hyunjin roll his eyes, angered. "why not and don't give me the hurt his feelings excuse " he slightly raises his voice.

"i don't feel comfortable doing that to him.. i think i need to go " i run off and get my phone out.

i look through my contacts, my finger hovering over his number. i press call.

he answers straight away "what ?!! " i forget how to speak.

"i um can you meet me in the park by your house ?? " i hear a sigh. "j jisung please "

"fine be there in five minutes " before i can respond he hangs up. i walk over to the area near his house, after four minutes i see jisung walk into the park.

i run over to him when i notice a few cuts and bruises on him.. what happened ?!

" felix what do you want ?! " he takes his cigarette out his mouth and stomps it out while trying to hide his face.

i grab jisungs hand and walk him over to the area i live "im gonna clean your cuts then we are gonna talk about you being annoying and not talking to me " jisungs sighs but goes with me, as we get into the apartment building. after an awkward lift ride we get into the floor i live and walking into the apartment. "go into my room and sit on the bed im getting the first aid kit "

i go into the bathroom and get the first aid kit before i walk into my room to see jisung awkwardly sitting there "felix.. i really missed you " i smile and sit next to him getting the disinfectant wipes out.

"what happened ? " i ask while wiping the cut on his cheekbone.

he winces "me and jeongin got into a fight.. im sorry for blaming you " he sighs "i found out jeongin told everyone we kissed and he kept calling you names so i punched him which lead into a fight, i think i broke his nose " i put a hello kitty plaster (band aid ) on the wound.

"im not even suprised, can you not you argue with someone without hurting them " jisung dramatically falls back onto the bed.

"i didn't punch you " i laugh and pull him up. "omg did you tell your dad we had an argument ?! does he hate me " i laugh even harder.

"no he's not home till tuesday but i did tell kiki so you gotta apologise to her " jisung gets up and looks around for kiki. "you can say sorry later i haven't finished cleaning the cuts " jisung comes back to the bed "jisung you have a cut on your lip "

"kiss it better " he gets closer making me panic.

"not gonna get mad if someone finds out " jisung gently pushes me back but instantly brings me closer.

"fuck you " i start laughing at his response.

"you'd love too " i wink as he pulls me into a kiss. after how ever long a kiss should last goes by we pull away "that was gay " i joke, making him smile.

"could i have another one, the cut still hurts " i start laughing and give him a small kiss "god i missed you so much " he pulls me into his arms. ive missed this.

"oh right um.. hyunjin was trying to get me to make you jealous with him, that's why i called." jisung looks suprised.

"wow ? really !!? what did you say " jisung asks, kinda jealous. well at least his awful plan would've worked.

"i said i wasn't comfortable doing it " he hums, playing at the long blonde strands of hair.

"good, don't talk to hyunjin !! even if he's my best friend i don't trust him alone around you " jisung complains while pulling me even closer to him.

"ok ok i won't but get off im hungry "

literally suck at conflict anyway boyfriends are back <33 ! these are coming out quicker and quicker. (im so tired )

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