when i sink to the ground

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jisung pov-
"since today was our last day of school we will be going to a party " i run up, scaring felix.

"PLEASE STOP SCARING ME " he turns and pouts "anyway have fun "  he goes to walk off.

"what ? no you're coming with me, felix please it's the last day " i hold his hand.

"but i have nothing to wear and my dad will say no and um.. i um i don't even know the person hosting the party and well if you get drunk i dont want to babysit that and " i give felix a quick kiss to shut him and his bad excuse up.

"yes you do, he'll be fine with it, it's at hyunjins and i won't get drunk " felix sighs and starts dragging me in the direction of his place.

"you can ask father while i pee then pick me an outfit " i smile and let him drag me the whole way back.

felix comes into the room with his cat "your dad said you should go " he throws the cat at me. "hey its gonna be fine, i promise nothing will hurt you " he sits next to me.

"go pick my outfit " i get up and look through his clothes.

"you have so many of my hoodies im gonna need to start stealing these back "

"NOO !!!! " i smile and go back to looking for an outfit.

"omg when and where did you get this from " i hold up a crop top.

"put that away !! " he gets up and takes it from me "one of our neighbours gave my dad her daughter's old clothes because she thought i was female and my dad found it funny "

"wear this it will look so good on you " he dramatically falls back on the bed. i keep looking to see what would match. "mm you would so pretty in shorts "

"i'll get cold " i roll my eyes and keep looking. "them !! sung im wearing the cargo pants you got me " i throw the outfit at him.

"go change " i push him out the room while i pick out his shoes and accessories.

felix comes out "i hate you give me a hoodie "

"i have one of those jackets, you know the stereotypical collage boy ones " felix stares at me, i sigh and get a photo up. just an oversized black jacket with white leather sleeves.

after putting the accessories on we leave to my house to change into my outfit.

"you want me to hold your hand when we get in there " i point at the front door, felix nods and gets closer to me "if you get uncomfortable just tell me and we can leave " felix nods again. i hold my hand out for him to hold.

i walk over and push the door open "jisung felix you made it, i was worried you weren't gonna come " hyunjin smiles while sounding very sober ?

"it took alot of convincing to get felix to come with me but yeah here we are " hyunjin laughs and drags us in.

"felix you look breathtaking today " felix squeezes my hand "since you and my best friend are in love or whatever i got stuck with second choice " i notice how uncomfortable felix is getting.

"me and felix are gonna get some drinks talk to you later " i pull felix to the drinks table. "are you ok " he nods "felix you haven't said a word since we got here are you sure you're ok "

"yeah there's just alot of people, im not really used to this " i smile at him and hold his other hand.

"you're doing so well baby, im so proud " i kiss his forehead "now what do you want to drink, alcohol or want me to find something else "

"can we find other drinks and maybe a kiss " he smiles at me. i go to kiss his cheek he moves last minute for a kiss on the lips.

"now let's go get you something to drink and somewhere quiet to sit " he nods and follows me to the kitchen.

"hey sung can we walk faster chan is giving me dirty looks " i turn around and go to talk to him before felix stops me "can we just avoid him i really don't want to talk to him " i go back to walking to the kitchen, now pissed off.

"they have fanta here " i turn and see felix trying to grab it "aw can you not reach " i grab it and hand it to him (this is why you wear platforms ).

"i hate you and you shoes " he pouts. i smile and pat his head "stopp ! my hair, you monster " i turn and grab the strong alcohol. i feel a small hand trying stop me.

"you said you wouldn't get drunk !!! i don't want to baby sit a drunk teenager " felix takes my drink away.

"i'll be careful " he sighs and gives the dr
ink back.

i feel warm and slightly dizzy, it's not bad but everything just feels more relaxed and carefree, even the early 2000s music sounds like masterpieces.

i look around for felix, not finding him anywhere i walk over to hyunjin "hey hyun " i yell over the music.

"what do you need " he replies with the same volume.

"have you seen felix anywhere " hyunjin looks around, being taller means he can see more of the room.

"no maybe he went outside " i nod and walk towards the backdoor, on my way i see minho and changbin making out. i get past them without interrupting their moment and get outside.

i stumble over to felix and sit down next to him. "done getting drunk " he keeps scrolling through instagram, refusing to look at me "what happened to being careful "

"im sorry lix, i don't really know what happened " i take my jacket off and put it on felixs shoulders "you were shivering "

felix looks at my arms and blushes a bit "it's fine i was just annoyed you left me " he leans into me, i smile and put my arm around him. "aren't you gonna get cold " he questions.

"i don't care its way too hot in there also i feel bad for leaving you " felix hums and plays with the rings on his fingers "when do you want to leave ? " i say while putting a cigarette between my lips and lighting it.

"maybe at eleven " i get my phone out and check the time, felix looks over to also check it "so we have thirty minutes "

"you wanna go inside or sit here a little longer " i ask while holding felix a little closer.

"we should sit out here a little longer, you need to sober up " he hands me his bottle of water then goes in my jacket pocket to get gum out.

i think im ready to tell felix i love him and its not the alcohol and nicotine talking.. maybe not today since he would shake it off as drunk jisung but definitely soon.

lol when i first wrote this i had never drunk more than a sip of alcohol now i go out and drink with friends (literally have two huge bottles of vodka in my room ) T_T i have such a high tolerance i only get tipsy. lol (-:<

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