Town of Calico

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Jasper loved to play poker. He played everyone in the town of Calico, where he lived. He was so good at the game that no one in the town would play him anymore. The only people who would play him were the visitors that would come to the Old Strange town. Most days Jasper would practice his skills day and night, for Jasper loved the game of poker a little too much.(pause for dramatic effect) Most people would say that he barely left the inn. One night Jasper fell asleep while practicing, like most nights. While Jasper was sleeping, the building was set on fire by one of Jasper's recent opponents. Everyone made it out of the building but the sleeping Jasper. Today the only inhabitants of the town are ghosts and the memories of what there use to be. If you're ever walking through the town of Calico, if you look closely you might see Jasper still playing. 

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