Flesh Eating Nanny

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The next story starts with a young brother and sister. They lived a fairly nice life with their parents. One night an older woman was presented to the children as their babysitter for the night. Being the older of the two the boy protested saying he was too old for a babysitter. His protests fell on deaf ears and soon he and his sister were alone with the woman. "Hello children," she began in a raspy voice "I will be your babysitter for the night you may call me Nanny. I must ask you to listen carefully to what I have to say. I do not tolerate disobedience. If you do not listen I must take something that you will be sure to miss. Do you understand?"

The children nodded and they did listen for the rest of the night, until bedtime that is. They went to bed as they were told but soon the brother brother heard movement from the direction of his sister's room and he knew she was sleepwalking once again. It was a habit she had developed four years ago around her fourth birthday. As he heard his sister make her way into the hallway he slipped out of bed with the intention of directing his sister back to bed. Before he could open his door he heard Nanny in the hall. "Come dear back to bed. You shouldn't be walking around, it's past your bedtime." Confident that Nanny would handle the situation properly the boy crawled back into bed and fell asleep. He woke up the next morning to his mother's shriek. He ran towards the sound ending up in his sister's room. He stared at his sister his sister in shock. She was crying."What happened to your hair sweety?" Their mother whispered still in shock herself."I must've cut it in my sleep." she replied still crying. The brother looked at the scene before him. His sister's long hair was now nothing but a bob. He felt odd as if trying to remember something that wasn't there anymore. He shook off the feeling and comforted his little sister.About a month later their parents informed them that they were leaving for a week for their anniversary and that Nanny would be watching them. The week that followed was awful. The children missed their parents and so refused to listen. They wouldn't eat their vegetables, brush their teeth or go to bed. .Each time Nanny would only shake her head and make a tally mark on a chart with a grim smile Seeing no immediate consequence the children went from bad to worse. At the end of the week the parents returned late into the evening to find Nanny sitting in the kitchen eating some sort of meat.When asked how the children were, Nanny replied " They were horrible, refused to listen. Don't worry they were dealt with, I had to take a few things though." The parents said that was fine and sent Nanny on her way before checking on the children. They soon saw what Nanny had taken and indeed she had taken a lot. She'd only left their two little skeletons tucked neatly in their beds.  

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