During WW2 there was a little boy that got hit by a falling bomb in London. He was wearing a gasmask on that fateful night and he was looking for his mother. He never found her and so he wanders around with a gasmask he can't take of and asks everyone he meets, "Mommy. Mommy. Are you my mommy?" You see the gas mask affects his vision so he can't see clearly. The kids around town call him the empty child because everyone he touches turn into gasmask people. The empty child walked around London asking his question and touches people when they don't answer , at one point the hospital in the town was filled with gasmask people. When the war was over the empty child and the gasmask people disappeared. Nobody really knows what happened but all they left were their gas masks. Today if you visit London and you listen very closely you can still hear the empty child asking his question, "Mommy. Mommy. Are you my mommy?"
Ghost Stories Collection
ParanormalGhost Stories some are scary and some are not. This is collection of short stories we wrote together and by our selves. Hope you enjoy!