eight ~ battle of seoul

729 16 2

edited 6/13/2022

"I don't like this plan," I say as Steve lines up the jump.

"Well, you probably should've gone back to New York, then. Hang on," he says, smirking. I close my eyes and hold on for dear life as Steve takes a running leap off the overpass, landing on top of the truck's trailer. "Was that so bad?"

"I don't think you want me to answer that," I respond. "Now what?"

He grabs me and we run to the top of the cab. "Here. I'll swing you hard enough to break the glass."

"Can I at least make one request? If I die, I want you guys to throw an all-night rager with the premium Tony Stark party package," I say, pulling my face mask up. "Make it as awesome as my untimely death."

"That can be arranged." He grabs my wrists. "Ready?"

No. I close my eyes and keep my legs straight as Steve swings me against the glass. It shatters after only the first whack, surprising the robot driving.

"Does a robot even qualify as a fully licensed driver?" I ask as I crawl into the cab and avoid the glass shards still on the edges of the window.

He slams his shield into the robot's head, decapitating it. "Probably not since this one's headless. You'll be fine," he says.

"Steve, what the hell? I can barely reach the pedals in this thing!" I snap.

"Just drive!" Steve says, leaving me alone in the cab. The truck is a lot bigger than anything I've driven before and the trailer on the back isn't helping at all, especially when it starts swerving.

"Steve? You all good?" I ask, trying to think of anything else except the fact that I'm driving a big rig through crowded city streets with an evil robot, his new body, and a gem with the power to kill us all in the back.

"Level out a bit!" he shouts as the trailer door is blasted open. Does he think they've covered this in my driver's ed class? "He's definitely unhappy. I'll try and keep him that way," he says as more shots are fired.

"You're not a match for him, Cap," Clint says.

"Thanks, Barton," Steve says, grunting in pain. "He knocked me off the truck, Kat. Just keep driving!" I hear footsteps on the roof of the truck and I assume that means Steve's up there.

"You know what's in that Cradle?" Ultron asks, firing at Steve. "The power to make real change. And that terrifies you."

"I wouldn't call it a comfort," Steve says. I hear a cacophony of crashes before Steve's hanging right in front of me.

"SERIOUSLY?!" I shout.

"Gah! Little louder next time, kid," he says, wincing.

"I'm always picking up after you boys," Nat says on comms. She must be on her motorcycle.

"Nat, you wouldn't mind trading, would you?" I ask.

Clint guides her to us on comms and she pulls up alongside the cab. "You're doing pretty good up there!" she says, speeding off in a different direction. 

"No, no, no, NATASHA ROMANOFF, DON'T YOU DARE!" I yell. "Shit!"

"Clint, can you draw out the guards?" Nat asks.

"Let's find out," Clint answers. I hear shots fired and see Clint pulling evasive moves in the sky as two robots start going after the Quinjet. Ultron knocks Steve off the truck and into an electric train.

"I'm ditching this," I say, reaching for the keys to the truck.

"No, you're not! Gem. Destruction. You keep driving," Steve orders.

Red Assassin ~ Pietro Maximoff x OCWhere stories live. Discover now