Chapter 35- In Love

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"Chenxing, drink this!" Yue exclaimed, "It's really good!"
The boy with a fan shook his head, "No thanks."
"Oh come on!" Yue drawled, his words slurred, "Just try it!"
Chenxing sighed, "A-Yue, you're drunk. Let me go ask Young Master Jin where your room is going to be." He walked away to Shanghai, "Where is a-Yue staying at?"
Shanghai smiled, "I'll show you!" He walked away while Chenxing followed, dragging Yue.
They walked to a room where Chenxing helped Yue lay down, "Sleep well a-Yue."
Yue giggled before closing his eyes and going to sleep, "Night..."
Chenxing left the room with Shanghai, he was walking back to the room they were at when Shanghai grabbed his hand, "Chenxing..." he said softly, "do me?"
"What nonsense are you spewing?!" Chenxing exclaimed, snatching his hand back.
"No! It's just that..Yue told me that you liked me back so I had to be sure he wasn't lying."
Chenxing held back a retort, Yue I'm going to kill you! "Well he was lying, I apologize but I don't have any feelings for you."
  Shanghai nodded slowly, "Alright, I won't bother you anymore." He walked away with a dejected look on his face.
  Chenxing watched him leave with longing eyes and sighed softly, he didn't like rejecting people but after what happened with Chengzhu...
  He shook his head and walked back to where everyone was at. The crowd was loud but it didn't bother him much. He went straight to Xue Yang and whispered, "Baba, may I speak with you?"
  Xue Yang looked at him and nodded, "Of course, let's go outside." The two walked outside, "What did you want to tell me?"
  "I think I'm in love," Chenxing whispered.
"With Shanghai, right?" Xue Yang asked.
Chenxing looked at his father's eyes, "How did you know?"
"You look at him like he's the only person in the world," Xue Yang said truthfully. "I remember when YueHua used to look at me like that."
"But, I don't want to be with him. I fear that the past will repeat itself," Chenxing said.
"Ah-Xing, listen to me carefully. Nothing in your life will happen twice in a row," Xue Yang said. "You have to give him a chance and love him, if you don't then all you're bringing to yourself is pain."
Chenxing took these words and nodded, "Alright, thank you Baba."
"Of course," Xue Yang smiled. They both walked back inside and Chenxing ran to Jin Ling.
"Do you know where Shanghai is?" He asked softly.
Jin Ling nodded, "He probably went to his room."
"Where is it?" Chenxing asked.
"Right next to Yue's room," he replied.
Chenxing nodded and bowed, "Thank you." He ran off to the room.
After arriving he knocked on the door gently and heard a dull voice, "Come in."
He took a deep breath and opened the door. He walked in and said, "Shanghai, it's me."
Shanghai shot up from his bed, "What are you doing here?"
"I...I came here to apologize and to tell you that I lied," Chenxing said softly.
"What do you mean?"
Chenxing walked up to him and said, "I lied about not feeling anything for you. I actually really like you and I want to be with you, I didn't accept you for a while because of a past I have with relationships."
Shanghai stood up, "Wait so you mean that you actually like me?"
"Yes," Chenxing nodded slowly, he opened his fan and fanned himself a bit rapidly.
Silence filled the room for a moment before Shanghai smiled and pulled Chenxing into a tight embrace. He chuckled softly, "Thank you, I promise I'll treat you well and I won't ever hurt you."
Chenxing smiled fondly, "Alright." He slowly got out of the tight grips and grabbed Shanghai's hand gently, "I promise I won't lie to you anymore. I'll be honest about what I'm feeling."
"Great!" Shanghai brightened up and pulled Chenxing with him by the hand. "Let's go announce this to the others!"
Chenxing smiled sweetly, "Sure."
The two ran out of the room and back to where the rest of the people were. They ran up to the group and Shanghai said, "Guess what?!"
  Jingyi looked up immediately, "What?!"
Shanghai raised his and Chenxing's joined hands. Jingyi choked on his drink as well as Jin Ling while Shizui smiled.
   "Congratulations," Shizui smiled.
   "Ack-what?" Jin Ling said, his face red and his eyes watering.
   Jingyi smiled widely, "I knew it!" He turned to Jin Ling, "You owe me ten taels of silver!"
"Damn it," Jin Ling grumbled. He took out his wallet and passed it to Jingyi who gladly took it.
  Shanghai laughed and looked at Yue who was smiling.
  Chenxing saw his brother and asked, "Are you alright?"
  Yue nodded and smiled even more, "Of course! I'm so happy for you, I always wanted you two to get together!"
"Thank you," Chenxing smiled softly at his brother.
  "Now, let's drink!" Jingyi raised his cup.

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