Chapter 9- Lies

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   Xingchen woke up to a sore back and Xue Yang cuddling up to his chest. He smiled softly when he felt the arms around him and felt around for Xue Yang's face delicately. He found the face and placed a soft kiss on the man's cheek.
He shook the man gently, "A-Yang, wake up."
"Mn," Xue Yang groaned, "I don't wanna get up."
"Come on, if you don't I'm leaving," Xingchen threatened in a playful voice.
Xue Yang immediately shot up, "No! I don't want you to leave," he whined. He laid down and hugged Xingchen again tightly. He placed soft kisses on the man's bare chest and sucked on the skin softly, leaving even more marks.
"A-Yang, get up," Xingchen said as he sat up, he knew what the man was trying to do.
"Fine," Xue Yang huffed. He sat up and quickly put on his clothes and gave Xingchen his. After they were both dressed they went outside to where Song Lan was.
"Xingchen, what took you so long? And why do you have marks on your neck?" Song Lan asked.
"Mosquito!" Xue Yang exclaimed, "I only got bit on my arms and legs so you can't see it." Xingchen smiled softly at the lie, a mosquito named a-Yang.
Xingchen walked up to Song Lan, "Zichen, I don't feel so good. Is it alright if we buy some medicine and stay here for a while? We can stay away from Xue Yang if you want."
Song Lan sighed, "If you're sick then you shouldn't be traveling. We can stay, only if you stay away from Xue Yang."
"Thank you," Xingchen walked away to the house and went to the kitchen to make food. He heard the small patter of a-Qing running towards him, "A-Qing, are you here to help me with the food?"
"Yes," the girl put her bamboo stick down and took out some ingredients. The two began to cook in peace, "Friend in white, do you like the bad guy?"
"He isn't a bad guy," Xingchen chuckled, "he just looks bad. He's really sweet in reality, very kind and caring, would never hurt a fly. After I left he turned to killing as comfort."
"Does he like you?"
"He told me he loves me," Xingchen said smiling, "and I love him."
"Why?" A-Qing asked.
"Because of how he is and how he treats me. He treats me like I'm the only person in the world that matters," Xingchen's cheeks turned hot and red.
"What about Song Lan? I'm sure he's a good option too," a-Qing insisted.
"It's not that easy. We can't choose who we love, we might fall in love with the worse person ever. And they will always look perfect in your eyes, Xue Yang is that person for me."
"Alright, I guess you do love him," a-Qing sighed, "but if he hurts you I'm killing him."
"Thank you," Xingchen smiled and pet the young girl's head softly.
The two made some food and Xue Yang and Song Lan talked outside.
"How did you make Xingchen love you?" Song Lan asked.
"What do you mean? I didn't do anything," Xue Yang said.
"He used to complain about you all day before, even say how much he hated you and wished you were dead," Song Lan said coldly.
"I don't know," Xue Yang said, "I just acted how I was before I started killing."
"No wonder," Song Lan murmured, "no wonder he's in love."
Xue Yang nodded and walked inside, "Is the food ready?"
"Yes," Xingchen said, "come site down. You too Zichen." The two men sat down next to each other while a-Qing and Xingchen served the food.
They all ate in silence until Xingchen spoke, "When are we buying the medicine?"
"After eating," Song Lan replied, he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
"Okay," Xingchen continued eating and smiled when he felt a familiar hand sitting on his knee.
They finished eating and Xingchen and Song Lan went to the market to buy the medicine. Xue Yang stayed behind with a-Qing who was glaring at him.
"What is it now?" Xue Yang sighed.
"I was just wondering how he could like someone like YOU," the girl said.
"I mean, he's loved me for years," Xue Yang scoffed, "of course he still loves me. Just like I love him."
"Do you? Or are you just using him?" A-Qing challenged.
"I'm not, I actually love him," Xue Yang said, "I would do anything for him. Kill, die, live, save, all of it. If he wants something, I will do everything to give it to him."
    "Isn't that just spoiling, not loving?" A-Qing said, squinting her eyes.
    "It can be seen that way," Xue Yang admitted, "but I also never want him to get hurt. He gets hurt I do too, he dies I die, he's safe I'm safe."
    "What made you fall in love with him?"
     "This was a long way back," Xue Yang chuckled, "I think the first thing I liked about him was his looks. Then I forgot about his looks and fell for his personality, and soon just him. His soul, in other words."
    "What did you do about it?" A-Qing asked, she wanted to know as much as she could so that she could help them.
    "I went for it and asked him out," Xue Yang said smiling, "he said yes and I never felt so happy. We got together for a while, but I had a friend who liked me too, she kissed me. Xingchen saw her and thought I kissed her."
    "So he left you," A-Qing nodded, understanding the situation.
     "Yes," Xue Yang whispered, "I turned into a murderer after that. Got my revenge and killed all of the people in Snow White Pavilion as revenge for Song Lan taking him."
     "So everyone you killed was for revenge?" A-Qing said.
"Alright, I approve, but don't go around hurting him," a-Qing said.
"Thank you."

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