Chapter 36- Sharing

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The next morning Chenxing and Yue had to leave. Neither of them wanted to but Xue Yabg reassured them that they could visit whenever they wanted to.
Now they were at home in their rooms, arguing over who cleans the mansion.
"I'm not doing it so too bad!" Yue exclaimed.
Chenxing sighed in exasperation, "Ah-Yue, please. I need to get some work done, I can't waste time on cleaning."
"You can do the work later, I'm not cleaning," Yue said.
"Boys, you know you can just do it tomorrow, right?" Xingchen said, walking into the room. "You don't have to clean today, nobody is coming over."
"Really?" Yue asked hopefully.
"Of course, go train and do your work for now," Xingchen said with a smile.
"Thanks Mama!" Yue ran off while Chenxing nodded and walked off to his room to finish work and study a bit.
Chenxing was siting in his room trying to read from multiple open books, his goal was to learn how to use the Yin Iron and not get overwhelmed like Wei Wuxian had.
  Ever since Wei Ying had come back, he had spoken with many writers and told them all about the Stygian Tiger Amulet and the Yin Iron.
  Now, Chenxing wanted to learn about it as well and use it to save others, like his mother. He read through the many books until he couldn't any longer.
   He closed the books and stacked them up on his table before going to bed.

The next day he continued reading until his parents called him to clean. They had decided to split the mansion in half and let each of them clean one half.
Chenxing tried to finish quickly. "Ah-Xing, Ah-Yue, come here," Xingchen said. The two walked over, "You two are going to Cloud Recesses today for a around six months to a year. It's going to be classes and you can obviously go to town and buy things, and don't worry, we'll have to send a few more disciples with you."
Yue's eyes were round and wide, "You mean we'll have to be there all alone?!"
"Not alone," Xingchen chuckled, "you'll have Ah-Xing a few others with you. Now go clean up quickly and get ready to leave."
"Mn," Chenxing nodded and walked away to finish cleaning up.
As time went by, the two finished and were now chatting as they got ready to leave. They got on their horses and began on their journey. Chenxing even made sure to bring some books to read and study some more.

The group arrived at Gusu and decided to stay at an inn before they went to their classes which started tomorrow.
Chenxing took on the responsibility to order a few rooms and a bit of food while Yue put the horses up.
"Chenxing!" A voice called out, the said man turned around and saw Shanghai.
He smiled warmly, "Youn-Shanghai, how are you?"
"I'm great! Are you here for the the classes?"
"Yes, are you?"
"Of course," Shanghai turned to the inn keeper and smiled. "How many rooms are left?"
"Seeing how many you have and this young master, you'll have enough. But two of you will have to share because we're short on one room."
"That's fine," Shanghai said, "I'll have two of them share."
"Or me and Ah-Yue can share, I don't want to bother you," Chenxing said.
"Or you two can share," Yue pipped in from behind them.
The couple flushed in shyness and looked away.
"What? Don't want to?"
"No! It's not that!" Shanghai exclaimed.
Chenxing cleared his throat, "I'm fine with whatever."
"Then you two share," Yue said, "final." He walked off to his room.
Chenxing fanned himself slowly and walked to a different room, Shanghai following. The two ate first before getting ready for bed.
Chenxing began undressing himself until he was in his last layer of clothes. He laid down on the bed and turned towards the window before closing his eyes.
Shanghai saw him undressing and got flustered, he turned a deep red and turned around before taking off his own clothes.
  He laid down and faced Chenxing, he could hear the young man's breathing slow don and knew that he was asleep.
  He then closed his own eyes and fell asleep, peacefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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