Chapter 14- Promise (M)

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  It has been a couple of weeks since the incident and Xue Yang has been getting along better with Song Lan. They would have small chats but that was it, he considered it a win.
   Xingchen stomach been forming a small bump and he would touch it every once in a while. He would poke it like a child and pout when he didn't feel anything but hardness.
   Now he was doing the same thing. He poked his stomach and felt nothing a but a hardened belly, "Why isn't it soft?" He mumbled.
   "Because you're pregnant," a voice said near his ear. He felt hands slither around his waist from behind and hold his stomach gently, "If you were just getting a little bit chubby it would be soft. Bur since you're pregnant it's going to be hard."
     "A-Yang, do you think we'll have more kids after this?" Xingchen asked softly.
    "I-uh-I mean...if you want," Xue Yang said, surprised at the question.
    "Really?" Xingchen smiled widely, "we're having two more after this. Maybe even three more!"
    "Whatever you want YueHua," Xue Yang said, turning a rosy pink.
   "Great," Xingchen turned around in the holds and hugged Xue Yang softly, "I love you."
  "I love you too darling," Xue Yang said, "and I love this baby too."
    "They better be cute, I've been throwing up too much," Xingchen grumbled.
   "I'm sure they will, they are your kids aren't they?"
    "They're yours too," Xingchen protested, "they might look like you and me. You never know."
    "Maybe they'll act like me and look like you," Xue Yang suggested.
    "I guess. But they could look like you and act like me," Xingchen said.
    "Yeah," Xue Yang held Xingchen's waist gently and drew little doodles on the clothes covering the skin. He kissed Xingchen's neck softly, "Thank you."
    "For what?" Xingchen chuckled.
    "For existing. And making me happy, and giving me a child," Xue Yang said softly, "I love you so much."
    "I love you more a-Yang, never forget that," Xingchen whispered.
    "I won't," Xue Yang promised. They heard footsteps walking towards them and smiled, they didn't have anything to be ashamed of anymore.
    "Xingchen, a-Qing's hungry again, and I don't know what to make," it was Song Lan.
    "Make her some of the soup," Xingchen said, "I'll go and held you with it in a minute."
    "Alright," Song Lan walked away and Xingchen pulled away from his lover.
    "I should go help him before he burns the whole place down," Xingchen laughed.
    "Okay, but be careful," Xue Yang warned. Ever since he knew of Xingchen's pregnancy he was very overprotective and would accompany the man everywhere he went. 
    "Song Lan and a-Qing will be there," Xingchen said.
    "Still," Xue Yang said sternly, "I can come with you if you'd lik-"
     "No it's fine, just go and sit down and wait," Xingchen said, "I don't want to stress you too much."
     "Fine," Xue Yang sighed, "but if something happens I'm blaming it on Song Lan."
     Xingchen laughed, "Of course, do what you want a-Yang." He walked off to the kitchen where he began making some soup.
    Xue Yang sat on the bed playing with his necklace, wondering when the food would be done. He waited for a couple more minutes before someone called him, "A-Yang!"
    He ran to the kitchen and saw Xingchen holding a bowl of soup, "Yes!" He took the bowl, kissing Xingchen softly, and sat down gleefully. He began eating and smiled at the taste.
   "You look like a kid," Song Lan said.
   "Shut up!" Xue Yang said, before continuing to eat. He finished eating and walked to where the soup was, then served himself another bowl.
"At this rate you're going to finish it all and get fat," Song Lan said.
    "I don't care," Xue Yang mumbled through a mouthful of soup, "I can just exercise."
"And I can join you," Xingchen said, sitting down at the table, "the healer said that I should exercise."
"Exactly," Xue Yang said, "I won't get fat."
"Fine," Song Lan sighed, "but don't come and complain when you don't have abs."
Xue Yang ignored the man and chuckled. He finished eating and looked a Xingchen who was still eating the soup.
"A-Yang, stop looking at me," Xingchen said softly, turning a bright pink.
"Why? You look so beautiful," Xue Yang replied.
"No I don't," Xingchen mumbled.
Xue Yang slammed his hand down on the table, "What? Did I just hear you say no?"
"M-maybe," Xingchen stammered, "what about it?"
"Song Lan don't blame me if YueHua can't walk for a while," Xue Yang said, taking Xingchen's hand and dragging him away.
    "Xue Yang, what did you mean?" Xingchen asked.
   Instead of answering Xue Yang picked Xingchen up and placed him on the bed, "I said what I said." He connected their lips and kissed Xingchen roughly, who answered with a noise of surprise.  
   Xue Yang undressed both of them and pulled back from the messy kiss, he placed two fingers on Xingchen's lips. Xingchen licked one before taking them both in his mouth. Xue Yang pushed them in further and smirked when Xingchen turned a dark red.
    Xingchen had saliva dripping from his mouth and was sweating slightly. The man above him took the fingers out and trailed them down to his entrance.
    He felt one of the fingers circle his rim and shuddered. He raised his arms and wrapped them around Xue Yang's neck, he let out a soft whimper.
   Xue Yang took pity on the man and pushed his finger in softly. He moved it in and out at a slow pace and Xingchen moaned softly, "Stop it, just-just put it in!"
   "Patience YueHua," Xue Yang chuckled huskily.
   "No," Xingchen pushed Xue Yang down on the bed and straddled his hips. He aligned himself with the member and sank down on the length slowly. He had about half of it in when Xue Yang grabbed his hips and pushed him down.
    Xingchen let out a scream and felt tears well up in his eyes. He placed his hands on Xue Yang's strong stomach and began moving up and down.
    He moaned softly as he moved his hips and felt the tip hit a certain bundle of nerves. He moaned loudly and moved faster and faster, making sure to hit the spot.
    "You look so beautiful like this," Xue Yang murmured.
    "No I don-ah!" Xue Yang thrusted upwards.
    "Never say you don't look beautiful," he growled, "because I know many people who would love to look like you. You are gorgeous and you can't say no to that."
    He came after a couple more thrusts and Xue Yang came deep inside of him. He fell down on his lover's chest, "Maybe this will get me pregnant again," he mumbled.
    "You really want kids don't you?" Xue Yang chuckled.
    "I have for a long time," Xingchen admitted.
    "Well don't worry, after you give birth we can have as many babies as you want. I promise."

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