Chapter 17- Chang Clan

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    Xingchen and Xue Yang were out in the forest taking a short walk while Song Lan and a-Qing made the food. They weren't going far, only nearby.
   Xue Yang held Xingchen's arm and led him through the trees before arriving at an open area of grass. They sat down next to a tree near the middle and Xue Yang found a bunch of wild flowers and gave a good lot to Xingchen.
   "What's this?" The man asked.
    "Flowers, they're yellow," Xue Yang exclaimed, "and they aren't all that big."
    Xingchen smiled and took two out if the bundle. He took more and began making a flower crown, slowly but perfectly.
    He finished and gave to Xue Yang, "Here, you can have it."
   "Why don't you have it?" Xue Yang asked.
    "It would look better on you," Xingchen insisted, "put it on."
Xue Yang sighed, "Fine," he put it on and took three flowers from the bundle and placed them in Xingchen's hair. "There, you look beautiful."
Xingchen's cheeks were dusted in red as he turned away shyly. Xue Yang laughed and laid down on the man's lap, looking up at the trees towering over them.
He liked going on walks with Xingchen, they would usually end with one of them ranting or them making out, so they were pretty interesting.
"A-Yang, do you remember when you killed the change clan?" Xingchen asked.
"Yes, why?" Xue Yang asked.
"Why did you kill them? You said that it was for personal reasons but I never knew anything," Xingchen said.
"Do you remember how I used to wear gloves all the time?" Xue Yang asked.
"Well the reason was because I was missing a finger, and I didn't want you to judge me. The reason I killed the Chang Clan was because the leader broke this finger," Xue Yang explained, "I was stupid to only want revenge on everything, but I won't do it again I promise."
"Why would you kill a whole clan for one finger?" Xingchen asked, confused.
"I don't know, I was young and stupid," Xue Yang said, he hugged Xingchen's waist and pressed a soft kiss on the bump.
Xingchen smiled and shook his head, "Alright, I'll forgive you this time, but only because of the babies."
Xue Yang shuddered, "Y-yeah."
"Xue Yang! Xingchen! Food is ready!" Song Lan yelled from afar.
"Coming!" Xingchen replied. He let Xue Yang get off of him and stood up, he started walking away but felt himself being lifted into the air. "A-Yang!"
"Calm down," Xue Yang said, picking Xingchen up bridal style.
"Put me down!" Xingchen exclaimed, holding Xue Yang's neck tightly.
"No, let's go," Xue Yang walked to their house and went to the kitchen were he sat a blushing Xingchen down.
"You're an idiot," Xingchen whispered.
"Yes but I'm your idiot," Xue Yang said as he kissed the man's cheek gently. "Now eat."
Xingchen nodded and felt a bowl being placed in his hands, it was warm. He ate a little bit at a time but soon finished it, "Is there any more?"
"Yes, we made extra because you need to eat more," a-Qing said, "you're eating for three people now."
"Yeah," Xingchen said turning a soft pink. He ate another two more bowls and was still a little bit hungry.
"Here," Xue Yang said, placing his bowl in front of Xingchen, "take mine. I'm not that hungry."
"No, you need to eat," Xingchen said pushing the bowl back, "I can make some more food."
"Xiao Xingchen, you need to eat more. Not just for yourself but for the babies as well," Xue Yang said.
Xingchen sighed, he knew that if Xue Yang used his courtesy name it was serious, "Fine." He took a small bite and felt the guilt pile up in his chest, he didn't want Xue Yang to end up skipping meals because of him.
    "Don't worry, I have candy with me," Xue Yang said playfully, "I won't starve." As he spoke he took out a small candy and popped it in his mouth.
    They all soon went to bed and Xingchen was throwing up a little bit, "Maybe I ate a bit too much."
    "No, this is normal," Xue Yang said, holding the man's hair back, "just rest a little and you'll be alright."
    Xingchen nodded, "Okay." He went back to bed and laid down with his lover, "A-Yang, do you think one of them will look like me and you?"
    "Possibly," Xue Yang replied, "but I'm not sure. They might both look like you, and have my attitude."
   "If they have your mindset of killing, then you're handling them," Xingchen said, "I don't need to deal with more than one Xue Yang."
   "Hey!" Xue Yang chuckled, "It's a great thing being me."
"Sure, think what you want," Xingchen laughed softly.
"Oh shut up," Xue Yang laughed.

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