Ch.10 Troubles....

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AMY'S (Emily's mom) P.O.V~

*ring ring ring*

I stopped chopping the vegetables I was chopping for the chicken and went to answer my phone.

" Hello?"

" Hello, is this the Clifford household?"

" Yes, this is the mother speaking."

" Hello Mrs.Clifford. My name is Mrs.Barbs the principle of Woodwind High calling from the school because of a situation with Emily", I stood still with my heart beating fast to why the school is calling about Emily.

" Is Emily okay? Is she hurt?", I say trying not to panic.

" Im here to inform you that Emily will have to take a 2 day home suspension starting tomorrow and will be able to come back to school this Thursday", I couldnt believe what I just heard! My little Ems in suspension!?

" May I know why?"

" Well, today Emily got into a fight with another student. Eye witness has said that it was Emily who started a fist fight and said cruel language to another student, the student ended up with a black eye and was sent home from pain. Emily stayed at school as she was not harmed also leading to another hint that she started the fight. Im truely sorry that I have to tell you through phone and not myself and not call you down here but I have a busy scheduale. I have heard that Emily is a great student but will now pay the consiquences", she says answering my question.

" I cant believe it. Emily would never had done that, she is too kind and sure she stands up for herself but she doesnt go that far."

" Well the apple doesnt fall from the tree, am I right?", she says in a laughing matter but im not getting it.

" Excuse me? I dont undertsand?", I ask.

" Your son. She is starting to turn out like her brother when he was here in Woodwind High. What was his name again? Micky?"

" His name is Michael", I angrily said and just hanged up before she said another word, unbelievible! Thinking she can tell me about my son. After all the problems he went through over there no wonder he dropped out!

Ofcourse I offered a change in school but with what he went through, he was scared that he will experience it again. His dad didnt care either way, but now that he moved out he probably forgot about him already. I cant tell him about Emily though. I will have to wait till Emily gets home for me to talk to her alone.


Emily's P.O.V~

I jumped up and almost screamed from the sound of the bell signaling that class was over. Everyone started packing up while I tried to recover from my nice nap making sure nobody decided to mess with and draw on my arms. Then with my phone checked that nobody drew on my face, once I was okay I stood up and followed everyone else out. Mr.Welington called me that he needed to talk to me, great what does this prick want with me now. After everyone left he motioned me to sit in a chair infront of his desk and went up to close the door. I think he even locked it but im not sure because im still a little hazy.

" Im sorry I kept you for a while but dont worry I will right a late pass once we are finished here", He had this creepy smile. I swear I was about to run and leave but something told me I should hear him out.

" Okay?...Why did you keep me?"

" Well I just wanted to talk about our little, how can I say? War."

" War?", I asked.

" Yes! We dont have the well respect relationship a teacher and there students should have throughout the school year", Is he saying sorry for everything or does he want me to say sorry? where the fuck is this going?

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