Ch.11 News! News! and More News!

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  I wake up to someone shaking me and calling my name over and over. I open one of my eyes and my blur vision finally focused so I could see that it was Michael with a worried look on his face.

"Emily! Emily! Are you okay?", Michael asked, more like screamed.

"Im fine, you can stop screaming now"

"I thought you were dead! I decided to take a walk by here and then saw a body in the shadows. I thought the body was dead or just pissed out drunk but I decided to take a closer look. When I saw that not only it was you but you are covered in blood! Do you know how scary it is to find someone you love covered in blood somewhere random! Very scary Emily! Very scary!", he kept screaming so I just zoned out and thought of what was going on and tried to remember my past events to why im in a dark alley.

"Em's? You okay?", Michael finally calmed down so I answered.

"What happened?"

"I dont know, you tell me. Why dont I take you back to my place instead and we can talk there instead of infront a stinky trash can", he offered.

"That seems like a good idea"


  After Michael taking me to his place, letting me shower, borrow clothes.....again, I explained what I can remember. It was pointless to tell because the last thing I remembered was Mr.Welington talking to me, it still made me cringe. Michael was not only angry but obviously very disgusted. He then decided to put on the news channel to see if anything could atleast give us both information. After putting on the news channel we both sat and listened.

" Mr. James Welington, a teacher at Woodwind High, was brutally murdered in his own classroom. Officers say that he was literally ripped to shreds. They also found teeth marks and what looks like claw like scrathes all over of what was left of his body. They found some class materials such as a book and a purple pencil case, they dont know if it couldve been a female student since other evidence are being a bit hard to find at the moment. Who ever it is we do pray for the Welingt- "

"I dont need to hear his prayers", Michael said as he turned off the tv. 

  I was so shocked on what I heard. I did that? Did I even do that? Surely it wasnt really me but it was me. To be honest I thought he deserved it now that I think about it. im sortuve happy I did it, I dont like this feeling at all.

"Wow, this was your fourth time killing someone and you have improved so fast since the last killing. When I was at that amount I was still clueless with everything and your over here doing it like if you have been doing this for years. incredible", Michael whispers the last word to himself as im still over here looking at a wall still shocked. 

  We here the door and Luke comes into the living room already talking about how someone killed one of the teachers at my school.

"I was reading the news on my phone and was shocked. Stuff has happened around here before but this is the biggest thing ever right now", Luke said. I was going to say that it was me but he interrupted me.

"Finally! This quiet ass town is finally screaming!", he screamed with his head back looking at the ceiling and his both of his arms up in the air. He looked so happy to be honest, I sortuve wished I can talk to him more and ask him of what happened at the party because Im still curious.

"Luke? I know who did it", I said.

"really?! Who?!", Luke asked very excited for an answer. I giggle at his exciiement and went to answer but Michael beat me to it.

"She did it"

"Wait, Emily did it?", Luke asked.

"Yes", I answered. Luke comes closer to my face and tells me while staring deep into my eyes,

"You are my hero"

"What do you mean by hero?", I asked.

"One, you made this town exciting for once and two, you killed someone with so much power and your in a very young stage", Luke explains still very close to my face, I actually dont mind because all I did was stare at his eyes the whole time. Until ofcourse Michael got in and pulled Luke up.

"He is right Em's. Its pretty amazing how you did this", Michael tell me.

"I dont get it, what do you mean by quiet town and finally making it scream? Havent you guys killed people before? Dont those go into the news?", I ask.

"Well not really because we mostly kill outside of town or go after a target that nobody will notise he or she is even gone", Luke explains.

"Luke this might be cool and all but this is very dangerous. This happened at school in the middle of a lunch period, who knows if anybody saw what happened and decided not to talk because they are scared for their lives or the police can find evidence sooner or later and figure out it was Emily.", Michael says. He does have a point but what are we going to do?

"Mikey you have a point but what am I going to do? I cant just not go to school, they will find it suspicious or mom would make me go anyways", I say.

  Michael and Luke were thinking for a while until we heard the door again and Beatriz came in looking as excited as Luke looked when he came to tell the news.

"Did you guys hear what happened at my school!"

"Yea about that", I say.

  She notised that im in different clothes and I guess she came to the realization because I wasnt even at lunch either. She sat down and we all explained to her what happened. She was shocked, disgusted, and excited for me. When we finished telling her we were now all in silence thinking on how we are going to work this out.

  Scary to know that we all have no good ideas so far.



HIIIIIIII. I havnt updated in forever but I promise I have a reason. Does anybody even ready this story anymore?

Anyways if you are please
*Vote* thanks :)


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