Ch.7 Wait What?!

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I put some clothes on and I try to remember what I did last night as I call Mlichael. Somehow the stupid ring on the phone feels like its getting louder and louder and with my headache, its not helping.

As the rings kept going the angrier I got. He told me to call him if anything and sure I bet he ment if something goes wrong or the cops came or something but this is something. Wouldnt he wonder why the fuck is his little sister not home yet?! Somehow my headache went away and im shaking with anger.

Its always like this, the bad things happen to me dont they.

"Let it all out"

I stop and look around the room and nobody is in here besides me and blondie. I stay still for a while wondering where the voice came from but soon brushed it off. I try call michael again for the third time and still no answer. I cant with this right now.

"Throw something"

This time I dont even look around for the voice so I end up throwing my phone against the wall. Now I know thats broken. I started shaking even more and started feeling like something else was controlling me.

I ran out of the room and for some reason I ran into the kitchen. I look around and see a knife that catches my eye. I grab it and twirled it around my fingertips knowing what I want to do now. I realize the house is empty and there isnt people sleeping on the floor as I expect it to.

"Hey are you going to help clean or what?" said a voice not so far behind me.

I smirk and turn around. I see that its a guy and as I turn around he looked so scared. For what reason? I dont know, it doesnt matter right now anyways, does it?

"Are you talking to me?" I ask with my smirk still on my face.

He just stands there shocked, scared, confused. I laugh at how ridiculouse he looks.

"Answer me!" I scream which made him jump.


"You want to know something?"


"You are cute, its ashame"


Since now we were standing so close all I had to do was grab the knife and slice his neck before he even said another word. It felt good, I liked it. I heard other people coming from.the back yard probably wondering where there friend went. I decided to hide.

One by one all dead, violently stabbed to death or just by a slit of there throat. All because of me, im covered in blood. The last thing I see is that blonde boy that was on the same bed as me and Beatriz looking at me with surprise written all over there face. I then black out.


I open my eyes and see im in a room. All I remember is trying to call Michael. I sit up and notise im wearing a band T-shirt that I know Michael owns and baggy sweatpants. Just then the door opened and Michael came into the room followed by Beatriz and blondie. Michael sits down next to me and just looks at me, I notise that now everyone is looking at me.

"Take a picture it will last longer" I said.

"Yep thats my sister, shes okay" Michael says to Beatriz and blondie. I really have to know his name. As if she can read minds Beatriz speaks.

"This is luke"

"Luke" I repeat.

"Michael were am I? What happened?"

He took a moment to answer.

"First thing first I could not answer the phone because I had no battery and I had to move my stuff here to Luke's house and im so sorry"

Move? Did he say move?! Did dad kick him out? Did Michael seriously did not take the warning?!

I guess Michael saw my sad expression of him moving because he went and gave me a hug telling me its okay that he will stay with Luke and visit when he can.

I know that might not be true, if I moved out I wouldnt want to go visit that house ever again. Im sortuve jealouse Michael got to leave but I know if I even got the chance I wouldnt do it. I wouldnt survive on my own and thats a fact.

"Emily I have to tell you something" Michael says stopping my thoughts.

"What is it?"

"Do you ever hear voices and get weird feelings?"

"I um mostly do..yea" where is this going?

"Well the reason to that is because you arent who you think you are"

"What?" Okay what does he mean?

"Well you see the the voices you hear are the devils work and you are a demon"

"You know Michael im done with your dumbass pranks. Im a demon?! Whats next your actually a unicorn, is that why you like to dye your hair? How even am I a dem..."

"Because I sacrificed you!"

The room suddenly was dead silent from Michaels outburst. Im starting to think he is not joking, all the peices just fit togther. I get voices and have feeling and sometimes I wake up not knowing what I just did. But it seems so fake.

"Thats not all" Luke speaks.

"What else?" I ask.

"You sortuve went into a demon range thing and killed a few people..." Beatriz says.

I did what........



I dont even know. So hopefully this came out long enough and finally she finds out she is something I felt like it was taking to long and im sorry for some people that thought it was boring cuz a lot of things werent really going on yet but yea.

Anyways thanks for reading
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