Ch.4 Hey...

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  I wake up this morning and get ready for school. As I walked down the stair's and notice that michael hasnt changed his hair back to black. As much he annoy's me that little shit is going to get kicked out. I shake the thoughts out of my head and walk to school.


  After school I saw Beatriz walking and I went up to go talk to her.


"Ummm hi?"

Why does she look creeped out?!

"You are new to my school right?"


She seems annoyed

"Im Emily" I say as I put my hand out so she can shake it.

"beatriz" she plains out says and shakes my hand.

Now what do I say?

"who is she"

I look around and see nothing.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" she says and seems..... surprised?

"Nothing, anyways how is school for you so far?"

"Its literal crap! There are fake ass bitches up in this hell hole and people talk so much shit." she says, more like half screamed but laughed at the end.

I was scared at first because of her sudden outburst but then I sortuve started laughing to. Its been a while since i actually laughed like this and it feels nice.

"Hey your cool but I have to go, oh! Theres also a party this weekend of a friend of mine and im wondering if you wanna come with?"

I took a moment to think.

"sure, I will have to ask fir.."

"YASS" she interrupted.

We exchanged numbers and head our seperate ways. I think that went pretty well.


"Hey mom!"

"Shit Emy's what did I tell you about jumping on me like that."

"Sorry its just I met a friend and she invited me to go to a party this weekend" I said to quickly.


I sighed very loudly.

"I met a friend and she invited me to a party" I said more slowly.

"oh, I dont know I havnt even met her and.."

"mom please as sad as this is I dont make friends that easily and its my first party and you can meet her when she comes pick me up or something, please?"

She looked at me through sad eyes.

"okay, okay you can go but you have to behave and make sure you dont do anything that will make me regret on saying yes to you."

"yes mom, thank you!"

I run up the stairs to text beatriz.

Me: Hey, my mom said yes

Bea: Cool! Okay talk to you tomorrow.

Me: Okay

Im exited.

I did like the first part with my friend and it was fun cuz she gave me good ideas for later on.

Thanks for reading :)
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