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His touch warm as a cup of coffee. The ocean blue color of his eyes, which lead you to feel the peace of the mythical Sea of ​​Clouds. Words Sucrose never said, but I still can know she said them earlier.

-"Sucrose?" -Albedo appeared behind Sweet Flower Sucrose. He placed his hand in Sucrose's arm -"What are you doing here?"-He was curious about her unusual visit.

-"Mr. Albedo...!" -She got surprised about his appearance. -"I came because I needed help doing something, but we shouldn't be talking about this right here...." - Sucrose was afraid of someone hearing her petition.

-"If you don't want to talk here..." -Albedo said while offering his gloves hand to Sugar Princess. -"...Do you want to meet me here tonight?"

Albedo's idea seemed to convince Sucrose, and she nodded as a response. And that day, after working on Sucrose's tasks, we leaved the alchemy place and went to the entrance of Dragonspine. At night, it was scary, as the road it was. Near the camps, he was there; With a lamp in his hand, waiting for us. Sucrose walked to him, shivering by the night Dragonspine surroundings cold weather.

Albedo, worried about Sucrose's comfortability, left the lamp at the dirt and slowly took off the jacket he always carries. He offered the cloth to Sucrose, who, with a big cotton candy blush in her face, accepted the Prince's offer.

-"Are you not gonna be cold, Mr. Albedo?" -Sucrose said while putting on the jacket. His essence was sweet, not the usual cold he uses to put on.

-"I'm used to cold weather, Sucrose." -Albedo said while helping her to button the jacket, turning the pink cotton candy into an intense fucsia. Then, Albedo looked into Sucrose more carefully, not exactly to see her, but the creature behind her. -"Better hide that water fairy before she freezes" -said doing a sign to me.

-"She's exactly the reason of why I am here, Mr. Albedo." - Sucrose said, while opening the jacket for Endora to get into it. -"I am about to ask you a really unusual favor, Mr. Albedo." - She stepped in front of him, and stopped walking. -"But please, it will be our secret" -And with a pleasant face, she started to describe her petition. -"Turn an ondine into a human, please."

Albedo was surprised at first, but then he could realize why she was asking such a favor. His eyes were talking again, he was about to laugh, but didn't. Then, he replied to her assistant's petition.

-"This will be our secret, Sucrose." -He was up to keeping my identity in secret. -"You can trust in me, I will do my best."

It was the first time he try such an experiment, but it might be successful with the right process. Sucrose's face lit up with happiness. I didn't know exactly what to say, as Endora was also very excited. Finally, after being banished from Fontaine, Endora would finally live a deserved experience. At the half of the road, Sucrose came up with a new topic to talk about.

-"Mr Albedo, How did you know I would be here if you were already gone?" - She was curious about that fortunate match.

-"Timaeus." - He answered. -"You never let him that rushed if it's not for coming to the camp. And he told me." - And a seconds after talking about the funny matching, he came up with a related topic. -"He seems to like you, isn't he?"

Albedo's face while talking about someone's else feelings for Sucrose was such a challenge for him, but he tried to be neutral as always. Sucrose was surprised about the answer he said.

-"Do you think so?" - She hugged her shoulders while covering her chin with her arms. She was in such a surprised mood, but she wasn't uncomfortable about that. -"This is the first time someone pay attention on me, and it's strange but..." - She tried to complete the sentence, but Albedo interrumpted her.

-"...Do you like that feeling?" - Albedo said, in his cold vibe again. Similar when he was with Timaeus at Alchemy Place. Sucrose did nothing but deny his affirmation.

-"I don't think someone could never pay attention on me in a romantic way." - She was dissaponinted about Albedo's comment. -"If someday, someone likes me and know the real Sucrose inside this uniform, they will leave the sooner they can. And it's a fact."

Albedo's angst face was showing up. He stopped walking, and Sucrose did when she realized it. Albedo took Sucrose's left arm, and spoke to her in a real dissaponinted voice tone.

-"And then why I still here, after so many years, uh?" - He spoke to her.

Sucrose was blushed, totally surprised about Albedo's behavior. Then Albedo spoke once again.

-"If what you're trying to say is that you're not enough for liking to someone, then why would I've chosen you as my assistant?" - Albedo took both arms and slightly shaked them. -"You are a good alchemist, and you should know it already." - And then, a few moments after, he realized what he affirmated -"I didn't want to say I like you...." - He was nervous all of sudden. -"What I meant is that you're a beautiful woman, and you should appreciate it better."

After speaking to Sucrose, he started to walk again in the way at the camp. But unfortunately, the bridge for going to the camp was broken, and Albedo knew it already. Sucrose, being an starter glider, was panicking because Endora's life was in danger. Sucrose, looking scared to Albedo, was praying for help, and the help was given.

-"Let me carry you, Sucrose, if it's not an issue" -Albedo gave Sweet Flower a solution to her problem.

-"It's not." - answered the minty haired girl.

Albedo didn't hesitate, and the body of the Mint Princess was carried by the Prince of the Chalk. He backed away to finally run and glide towards the camp. And for a few moments, the cold breeze of Dragonspine didn't matter. The heartbeats dancing along the wind's voice. And the arrival of the Prince to the other side of the bridge broke a beautiful moment that will always be remembered by the Rose and the Stone, and the Water that Flows.

Albedo had all the material in his camp, and he quickly started the Sweet Flower's petition. Mixing dust of Azoth, lazurita varunada and a cleansing heart, Albedo made a strange liquid, that I had to drink. It was viscous, but at the end, the flavour seemed known to me.

Water Flows as human feelings do. And I am a human.

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