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—“Albedo, the Kreidenprinz, is a Kaerin'ah man, are you sure you still love him?” —Timaeus asked to me, from the other bed, laying.

—“Kaerin'ah?” —I knew that name from somewhere. —“Is that the place that was destroyed a long time ago? You mean that place!?” —I was scared.

—“Yes, Rose” —He answered to me. —“Didn't you see the star on his neck?” — He asked.

For my bad fortune, I just saw him speaking near the Jade store. He was qualificating the Jade sold there. It might be part of a study. He seemed so focused on drawing the stone, and I loved it. Every line he drew was perfect, it was like a blessing.

When I was passing near the place he was, I accidentally stepped on him. My glasses fell to the floor and I was blind. Then, his warm hands held my arms, trying to help me. He placed my glasses on my head and then, his beautiful face seemed clear to me.

—“I'm sorry!” —I apologised to him —“I didn't see you and I-” —He interrumpted me.

—“No need to apologise, It was my fault, I was at the middle of the street.” —He apologised too. —“Can I help you with anything?”

—“I'm leaving, my friend is waiting for me so I must-” —he interrumpted me once again.

—“Then, I'll see you around.” —He said goodbye to me, and before leaving, he placed a small dry and flat sweet flower he had in his pocket as an apologize. It seemed to be in a book.

Since that day, that dry sweet flower was in my books, and my desire to study them was born. It was the first time I see one of them, and also the start of my career. But after Timaeus words, I didn't know if it was correct to throw them or keep them with me. I didn't tell him about them, and I got afraid.

—“Tim... Does that means I am his new target?” — I nervously asked.

—“I hope not, Rose.” —He answered to me. —“But there's nothing to be afraid of, because me, Timaeus, the greatest alchemist, is here to protect you”. — He chuckled.

—“Timaeus” —I started trembling. A lot of intrusive thoughts came to my mind. —“Can I hug you?” —I asked to him

—“Sure, why not, Rose” —He answered. —“Come here, don't worry”.

I got up from my bed and walked to Timaeus'. He was sitting at the side of the bed, waiting for me. I sat next to him and he automatically hugged me by the side. His embrace was warm and soft. And as the worry started to appear, some tears started to fall from my eyes. I was so worried about what Timaeus said.

—“Don't cry, Rose” —He said go me while cleaning the tears from my cheeks.

—“I... Have I done something that... Put us in danger...?” —I asked to him.

—“No, Rose, You didn't.” —He answered to me. —“You just fell in love, and that might be dangerous but it worths to take the risk.”

We both stayed hugging. He comforted me for a long time. And finally, he threw himself back onto the bed. We both fell, together, but it never seemed awkward to me. We both fell asleep together, sad, but together. And when we were together, we were very happy.

The day I got a job promotion and found out that my boss would be the guy I fell in love with, I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my body. But as time went by, I realized that Albedo was not a bad person, and the truth is that he never was. But the closer I was to Albedo, the more distant I became from Timaeus. We are still friends, but it was not like that time in our adolescence. We didn't call each other by nicknames again, we didn't go out together again. There was no Timrose.

And it was until recently that I discovered the reason why he distanced himself from me, and it was jealousy. He had fallen in love with my time after our graduation, and I didn't notice it since a weeks ago. However, Timaeus and I still being friends I guess, but it will become harder to get our friendship back. I want to go back on time, I want to hug him again, I want to spend time with him again. I miss him, even being face to face with me.

I was so focused in my memories with Timaeus, that I forgot I had to deliver a commission. Timaeus spoke to me several times, and I didn't pay attention to him. I really get deep into my mind sometimes.

—“Timaeus calling to Sucrose, do you still alive?” — He was waving his hand in front of me, who wasn't even blinking.

—“T-Timaeus...” —I finally woke up. —“I'm sorry, I was... Remembering some things...”

—“You have been always a forgetful girl... But it's okay as long as you deliver this soon. What was the location?” —He said to me.

—“Windrise...” —I said. —“And I should walk fast if I want to deliver this at time!”

As quick as I finished my conversation with Timaeus, I headed to Windrise. The road was long, but the payment must be expensive. And it worths.

I arrived to the place. The wind blowing through the place, moving the leaves of the giant tree. The ducks swimming at the lake, and the Statue, resonating with my vision. I tried searching for all the places but I didn't find the bard who commissioned me.

—“Hello...? Is anyone here...? Mr. Venti...?” — I called his name.

—“Hello...?” —Someone else answered me, I thought it was the bard. —“Hello...? Mr. Zhongli...?” —But I was wrong.

I tried walking to the place the voice came from, and when I realized I was face to face with him. Not the bard, but with Albedo. He was surprised about me being there, but I also was.

—“Sucrose...? What are you doing here?” —He was shocked.

—“I'm delivering a commission for a bard called Venti.” —I answered. —“But what are you doing here?”

—“I'm delivering a commission for a Liyue Business man called Mr. Zhongli.” —He answered.

The wind started to make echo in the mountains near to us. The earth was connected to the wind. And we both, Albedo and I, were connected by the water.

Water Flows Like True Love (Albedo X Sucrose)Where stories live. Discover now