09 (Arc I finale)

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No one can lie to their heart, because it's the one who knows all the truth. And we can't force ourselves for loving someone. Because love is not a seasonal event, or a game. Love is the key of the world and the source of life.

When you decide you can't love someone, you are doing the best for both of you. Timaeus understood everything. He had nice feelings, but my heart was already taken. We both decided to have a distant relationship, not so close, not so distant. We were acquaintances, and we were okay with it.

When I leaved Good Hunter, Me and Endora went to the library, our favorite place since always. Lisa was speaking with someone, and I didn't want to bother them. Me and Endora went for searching some books and spend the day there, she accepted. I was more into Fantasy, while Endora was searching books about romance. She was still searching the meaning of love, and I will let her doing the research. That's how a good investigator borns.

I was reading my favorite book, while a warm hand touched my shoulder. With his voice hoarse, that man greeted me.

—“Good Morning, Sucrose” — Albedo said, behind me. —“How are you feeling today?”

—“I'm good, Albedo. I've been feeling great!” —I answered to him, because sincerely I've been feeling more energetic that the past days.

—“I'm glad you're doing alright.” — He said, while sitting in the chair which was in front of me. He seemed to have the face more red than usual. —“I came here by reading some books, but I don't know which one to read because I don't have good taste.” —Said while covering his mouth with his hand. —“Any recommendation by my assistant?”

I was excited by telling him about my favorite book, but I was afraid of him laughing at me. In any way, I felt confident by his presence. And I started speaking. I told him about the book “Violets in the Garden”, the story of a girl who wants to understand love because someone she appreciates told her “I love you”. Albedo seemed to be attentive to my words. His emerald eyes called the mine, and slowly both coincided. For the first time in my life, I felt I was complete.

When Endora came to my table, Albedo made her a few questions about how did the Bubbles appeared, and after a small questionnaire, we conclude that her negative feelings become bubbles, and she must be careful about it. And for a better observation, he suggested to stay at my house for a few days. I accepted, looking at the benefits.

The day turned into afternoon, and afternoon turned into evening, and we leaved the library. We all went to the Good Hunter and bought some dinner for eating at home. And when we arrived, as soon as we sat in the couches, we started having dinner.

I'm not gonna lie, our eyes were looking for eachother. It's like we were cursed to be together. Even looking to other side, my body acted for itself. It's was kind of strange, but I liked it. It's was a nice connection, our relationship was healing.

We had a small conversation before going to sleep. Endora walked upstairs first and fell asleep. Then, we both, Albedo and I, kept talking about random stuff. And after that, he started speaking about the hard prompt.

—“Are you dating Timaeus already?” — He said, holding a grudge on his throat.

—“I'm not dating him, I never did.” — I answered, noticing a small rage on him.

—“And why do you guys are so close?” — He made another question.

—“We are just partners, nothing else.” — I gave him an answer. He seemed to be kind of upset, It was new.

—“And what were you guys doing in Windrise a days ago?” — He looked to the other side.

—“He asked me going to see the flowers there, and you know I love flowers.” —love, interesting concept. —“Are you jealous of him?” — I asked as a joke, but he answered serious.

—“Yes, I am jealous.” — He answered to me. But when he realized about what he said, he decided to nervously change the topic. —“I guess I'm going to sleep, are you going to?”

—“Y-Yes, I'm going to sleep now. But...” —I was curious about something. —“Are you going to sleep with that clothes?” —I asked him.

—“Are you going to lend me a pajama?” —He spoke in a joke, and actually making my face turn into a pink cloud. Then, he corrected himself. —“I'm just taking off my jacket. My uniform It's not uncomfortable”

If I can confess something, is that I like his outfit when he doesn't charge that big jacket. I gave him a pillow and some blankets, and he lay down to sleep. I went to my room too, but insomnia consumed me. He accepted he was jealous of Timaeus. But what does it mean? Is him angry with me and Timaeus? Or... Is him in love with me?.

It became 23:30, and I still couldn't sleep. Maybe I was worried of him not sleeping well, so I walked downstairs to see him. He was totally asleep face up, but the blankets were in the floor. It was kind of cold, so I didn't want him to get sick. Suddenly, when I caucasled to pick up the blankets, he changed his position turning his place where I was, like a magnet, and between dreams he spoke; “Sweet Flower, do not leave me. I will protect you”.

—“I will never leave you, Mr. Albedo” — I said while covering him in the blanket. —“I will be by your side, and I will stop you if someday you lose control. Please, count on me” — I said to him, while I sat where he wasn't laying at, and I was caressing his hair gently.

His blond cheveux* were soft as a thread, as cotton, as a cloud. And his asleep face was the most cute thing I could see in my whole life. While I was caressing his hair, he changed his position once again, and he was face up, but my hand unintentionally ended in his cheeks. Still, I didn't move my hand in a small time. His skin was soft, as a pillow.

Before leaving and going to sleep knowing he was okay, I gently kissed his forehead. I wanted to tell him, even asleep, that he was loved. I leaved the living room and headed to my room.

This feeling inside me was burning my body. Worrying about him not sleeping well and now being in peace because I know he's alright was a new feeling in me. Is that what people call True Love?

Then, it's love:

"When You're Here, my heavy body turns into a feather,
And when you hug me like that, my cold heart turn into a bonfire.
When you leave, this hard stone called heart can be easily broken.
You make my body act for itself, even if I don't understand.
And I'm asking you politely to please
By my side, always stay”.

Arc I Finale
“The meaning of Love”

Water Flows Like True Love (Albedo X Sucrose)Where stories live. Discover now