Chapter 1

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Gon ran and ran... as far away from his hometown as he could. Tears ran down his face as he ran away from those hatred filled people, he didn't want to be the next to die like his mother and father, along with his poor grandmother and his caring Aunt Mito. He the tripped onto the cold dirt floor hearing the loud foot steps of the men, shouting and cursing his name.

Tears ran down his face as he knew he was going to die, he curled up into a ball and awaited his fate.



The sound of blood splatting onto the floor was also joined along seconds later. He slowly looked up see multiple body's on the floor and their blood spilled onto the floor. Gon quaked in fear at the gruesome scene in front of him.

He then spotted a women. She was quite beautiful, she wore a slightly black-blue kimono, along with a lavender Otaiko attached to it. Her eyes were covered with this screen, a red dot was the only thing  that appeared on it. She also had luscious black silky hair, to which she wore up.

Gon just looked at her in both fear and gratitude. She bend down to greet the small boy.

"Hello dear...are you alright?" She asked him. He was to shaken to reply so instead he gave the women a small nod. She gave Gon a small smile.

"What's your name my dear?" She asked wiping the dust and blood off his face.

He hesitated for a bit, "G-gon..." he answered weakly.

"Well I'm kikyo." She said.

"It's n-nice t-to y-you." He stuttered.

"Now, Gon dear, would you like to tell me why these men where after you?" She gave a creepy smile.

A tear left Gons face, "T-they, k-killed M-mommy and D-daddy! My g-ma and aunt M-Mito as w-w-well...!" He cried as more tears rolled down his face.

"T-they w-were...g-going t-to s-sell me o-off!" He continued.

Kikyo pulled the small boy in for a hug. "Don't worry, they won't hurt you anymore....I won't let them..." kikyo spoke as she glared at the bloody corpses she had murdered.

She then picked the small boy up and disappeared into the forest.

Kikyo had finally made it to the gates of here home, that were mostly referred to as the testing gates.

"Lady kikyo, Welcome back." Zebro the gate's guard greeted the Zoldyck. Zebro then looked at what she was carrying.

"Lady kikyo, who is this little fellow?" The man asked as he gave a small smile to Gon, to which Gon hid himself in kikyo's arms.

"This is Gon, I found him being hunted by his own in a small village near the borders of Padokea." Kikyo said holding the boy closer.

"I see, then I bid you a farewell, Lady kikyo" Zebro said bowing before heading back to his station.

Kikyo swiftly opened the gates with ease and entered the Zoldyck establishment.

She made her way to the main mansion. Kikyo walked past the children's play area. In the play area was Killua Zoldyck the next heir to the family, Alluka Zoldyck an assassin in training, and the youngest Kalluto Zoldyck another assassin in training.

She walked past them and into her home.

Her heels clacked throughout the cold dark marble floor.

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