Chapter 18

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"Ne, Killua what's wrong? Ever since we left the city, you've been looking down." Gon asked me as we walked down the dirt road.

"It's nothing don't worry about it." I said admiring the beautiful scenery in front of me.

" I said admiring the beautiful scenery in front of me

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Gon looked forward and smiled.

"Pretty isn't it..." he said now walking besides me.

"I looked at him in confusion, "what is?" I asked.

He chuckled, "The sky silly!" He smiled at me. I looked up, the breeze rushed through my hair.

Looking back at Gon I smiled, "Yeah, it sure is... even if it's just for a few hours up until it goes away. It's still beautiful."

Gon looked back at me and smiled, he intertwined his fingers with mine. I blushed, yet...

Why does it hurt....

So much...

I slowly pulled my hand away and shoved them into my pockets walking ahead leaving Gon behind.

Ever since I started having feelings for you, I always thought of it as a small stupid crush. But the more you get closer, and show me love or affection I can't face you...because I don't know if it's true... your love..

But why does it hurt now, why didn't it hurt this much it because I've never had feelings like this before or is it because I'm weak...

I glance over at Gon, he had a hurt look on his face but kept smiling...why...

"Hey, look Killua it's Aiai, I believe after this is Masadora." Gon said plainly. I nod.

As we got closer to the city, we both noticed a huge smiling pink heart.

"Hm, I petty sure Alluka would have love this place." I said.

"Who knows maybes she's here." Gon hummed.


We continued to walk until we finally made it. As we entered I immediately cringed.

"Ugh, this place is filled with a bunch of romance Clichés." I said, I then felt someone bump into me.

I looked down to see a cute blond girl, with a pink dress and a checkered bag, along a piece of toast, "Hey! Watch where your going!" She said in an angry yet cute way. I slightly glared at her.

"Why don't you watch where your going, you prick." I said coldly.

She slightly froze and looked at me, "Killua be nicer, she's just a girl." Gon said putting his hand on my shoulder.

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