Chapter 32

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"Gon, are you alright, you look exhausted and your eyes are all puffy." Alluka asked in a concerned tone...

I forced a smile and nodded, "Yeah, I'm alright! I just couldn't sleep well last night."

She slowly nodded and placed her cup of coffee into the sink and left....

I  sighed in relief, but seconds later I felt something warp around my waist, I looked back to see killua. I smiled and kissed his cheek, "Good morning my love.." he said sweetly.

I chuckled, "Good morning...."

Once he let go of me, he raised his eyebrow, "babe, were you crying?"

I shook my head, "I just had a bad dream that's all."

I looked away, but was forced to look back at him. He cupped my face and pulled my face close to him. I slightly blushed, "Tell me..."

I sighed, "I'd rather not, it' know..." I said looking down.

His eyes widened, "A-ah, sorry...I shouldn't have forced it..."

I smiled and kissed his neck, "It's fine don't worry about it..."

That's when my phone began to ring, I picked it up from the counter and looked to see who it was, bisky...I haven't seen her since the greed island or the wedding...

Killua leaned over my shoulder to see who it was, "Bisky? Why is she calling all of a sudden? Haven't seen that hag since the wedding. Does she need us to go into another dumbass game to get her another dame jewel."

I shrugged and answer, "Hello, Gon speaking."

"Gon! Thank god! I've been trying to call you since last month! But you never answered!" She yelled through the phone causing me to wince.

"Ah...sorry bisky, I was pretty busy..." I said apologetically.

She sighed, "Well that doesn't matter right now, I need to talk to you...this is important. It's about...your father..."

I raised my eyebrow, "What about Silva? Did he get in trouble or hurt?"

She went silent, "No...Gon...your...biological father...."

I tensed up, I took the phone off of my ear and looked at Killua, "Hey, I need to take this, it's important. I'll be back."

He nodded and I left the house into the garden. I sat on the grass and watched as the waves hit the nearby cliff...

I placed the phone back onto my ear, "what about him?"

"I'm just going to get straight into the point...."

"He's alive..."

At that moment, I felt as if time stopped. I should have been happy and relieved someone in my family had survived, but I was anguish.

"Where is he..." I said calmly.

"He's with me at the moment...I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." She said.

I sighed, "it's fine..."

After that she told me where to find her, she was located near the coast lines of Zaban. I told Killua I would be back in a few days and to take care of Izumi while I was gone....

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