Chapter 26

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4:30 in the morning...Izumi started to cry again, I looked over at Gon, he was trying to sleep, but had a hard time due to our baby crying.

"Dear, can you check on Izumi please..." he said, I sighed and nodded. I kissed his forehead and exited the room walking through the hall to Izumi's room. They were crying and squirming around in their crib.

I picked them up and let them play with my hair for a bit...

"Hey kiddo what's wrong?" I whispered humming a nursery rhyme to them.

After a while Izumi instantly feel asleep, and I was able to leave them be...

I walked back into my room and laid next to my husband, "Did they fall asleep?" Gon asked, I nodded and wrapping my arms around him.


"Killua can you feed Izumi please, while I make us dinner!" I heard Gon yell from the kitchen.

"Yeah! I was actually going to do that!" I said picking them up, he messed around with my hair, I smiled and kissed their cheek...

I finally feed them and handed them to Alluka sk she could do their hair...


"Izumi-Chan your so cute! You have more of Killua qualities, but you look exactly like Gon-kun!" I said playing with their hair...

"Hmm...I should take you shopping, your parents gave you old clothes from when they were know what Izumi-Chan! Let's take you shopping right now!" I said picking them up...


"SURE! JUST BE BACK BY 4 o'clock! " he replied, I thanked him and ran out of the door putting Izumi in a baby carrier.



I walked through the city to see if there were any good baby stores, I was finally relieved since I was able to find a one near a coffee shop. I rushed into the store and looked through the items. I picked out a yellow PJ set with cute little ducks on it.

"Alluka?" I heard form behind, I quickly turned around to see my Older brother, Illumi...

"Uh- Big brother!'s been a while.." I said nervously, he hummed and noticed Izumi...

His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed, "Whose child is that?" He said crossing his arms, at this point I was panicking because I didn't know if Gon nor Killua wanted the family to know yet...

"Oh, I'm just babysitting for a friend!" I said scratching the back of my neck...

He rolled his eyes, "Alluka I can tell when your lying..." He said...

I sighed, "fine, this is Izumi...they're the child of Gon and killua..." I said, illumi stood speechless.

"Hmm...I see, so I have a nibling." I nodded....

"Please don't tell anyone about this! I'm pretty sure Gon and killua want to keep it a secret for now!" I said with a small bow..

"Well in that case, I'll keep my mouth shut...but..Can I...can I hold them...?" illumi asked, I smiled and nodded.

"Sure! Here you go!" I said happily taking Izumi out of the baby carrier and gently handing them to Illumi. He held them close and with care, I swore I saw a faint smile on his face when he held

"I'll help you choose some cloths out for them, my treat." He said, I held my arms out to get Izumi back, but he just held onto them and walked past me. I slightly giggled, and followed behind...

We looked through the clothing and picked a few out, one blue, one pink, one green, and one purple...we also got some hair clips of some cute frogs and a lot more items. Illumi paid as promised and went on our way...


"Thank you for today Big brother!" I bowed slightly, he nodded. He looked at Izumi. They played with illumi's long silky hair. He sighed and handed Izumi back to me.

"Well, I'll be see you around more often, and be a dear and say hello to kill and Gon for me.." he said before disappearing into the crowd. I smiled and walked away...




"Killua dear, we should tell your parents about Izumi soon..." I said braiding his hair...he hummed and continued to read. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him from behind and kissed his cheek.

He Chuckled and turned around, "Sure, we can tell them when we see them again, maybe over some tea, I'm pretty sure my mother and father are going to freak, while Grandpa Zeno tries to spoil Izumi rotten." Killua said, I giggled a bit..

"Probably..." that's when the door burst revealing Alluka with half a dozen bags, while Izumi was in a baby carrier, wearing...sun glasses?

"Alluka-Chan! How many things did you buy them?!" I said looking at all of the bags.

"Pfft-maybe it's Alluka that's going to spoil them." Killua said.

Alluka looked nervous, "Well, I didn't exactly buy all of this for them, somebody else did." She said setting the bags aside.

I raised my eyebrow, "who paid for all of this then?"

"Illumi..." she slightly squeaked. Killua furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why would illumi- he knows about Izumi!" He said worried.

Alluka nodded, "Yes, but I'm pretty sure he's okay with it, plus he's grown quite attached to Izumi-Chan! He also promised to keep it a secret form the rest of the family!" She reassured us.

I sighed in relief, "Alright then, that's good a least!" I smiled, Killua sighed and hummed, but he frantically looked and checked over Izumi to see if any pins weren't implanted in his skin or brain....

I groaned at Killuas actions and took Izumi from his hands. He crossed his arms and looked away like some troublesome child getting in trouble, "Did you have Fun with uncle Illumi!" I said Kissed their forehead.

They grabbed onto my face with Both hands and giggled, I felt my heart sink at how cute they were, "Killua." I said nothing looking at him.

"Yeah, what is it?" He said hugging my waist.

"Let's make another one."



To be continued!

P. S. Happy pride✨✨month to any of my LGBTQ+ readers and to any straight allies! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

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