Chapter 8: part 2

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Gons POV:
I woke up with a small yawn and slowly opened my eyes to see I was alone in bed. 'Alluka must have gone back to her room while Killua and Kalluto are probably off training.' I thought with a small sigh. I exit the room only to see illumi leaning on the wall, he gives me his signature creepy smile and pats my head.

"Illumi-nii, is he back yet?" I asked taking his hand off my head.

"Yes, I was just about to tell you. He's waiting for you in the training grounds." He said. I

"By the way, I noticed your back early, was the mission a success?" I asked.

"It was quite easy.....actually, maybe a little too easy... I'll have to speak to father out this later. But you should go, don't keep him waiting." He said, I nod and left him.


I knock on the large wooden door, "Come in." I heard from the other side.

"Papa-San." I said with a small bow.

"No need to bow, but shall we begin. I'll teach you the basics and all you need to know about Nen." He explained.

"I'll also teach you how to use it and how to control it. So come here and sit." He continued pointing to the ground a few inches from him.

"Hai." I said with a smile and sat in front of him.


He had explained Nen and the type of Nen users, I learned that I was an enhancer, he also said I could tell what type of Nen a person has based on there personally.

when we got to the actual training he taught me how to control and how to focus on my Nen. We also had a little spar, it was quite difficult, I had to let my Nen run for about 3 hours so I could use it more without getting tired. I almost fainted twice that day trying to hold and let my Nen lose.

After training ended I went back to my room And lied in my bed exhausted. My shut my eye,

'Maybe, Ill get better... and be able to use my Nen to the fullest' I thought to myself as my eyes shut.


*Time skip: 3 years*

Three men were able climbed the walls of the Zoldyck estate hoping to find something valuable to sell. As they walked though the forest they were blocked by two people in butler outfits.

"Oi! Get out of the way! Before I hurt you!" One of the men yelled.

"I'm sorry sir, but please reframe from going any further from where you are." One spoke.

"Please turn around and exit this establishment before I have to make you." The other spoke slightly harsh.

"Now, now Canary-Chan, no need to be rude." They spoke.

"Your right, I'm sorry, here, please do not cross this line." Canary said making a line on the dirt floor with her Rod.

"Tch, like hell I'm going to listen to some puny girl." The man spoke.

This caused the boy to giggle, while canary gave them a blank stare.

They all started to come forward, one of them cross the line by an inch. The boy then punched the man causing him fly 5 feet away from the line.

"Like I said please reframe from crossing this line."She said sternly.

Then men looked at the two, they ran towards them, crossing the line in the process. Gon sighed and punched the man 8 more feet away from the line, while Canary used her Rod and smacked the other as hard as she could , 6 1/2 feet away from the line. This caused both the men to tremble on the ground

A drop of sweat formed on Gons head, "Do you think I hit them to hard this time?" He asked his friend.

Canary shook her head and smiled a bit, "No, but I think you should have hit these men a little harder this time, why are people so difficult now days." Canary whined putting her hand on her hip, swaying to the right.

Gon giggle, "we should escort these men outside." He said walking towards one.

"Yeah, I guess your right." Canary said picking up two of the men.




After throwing the men outside, they went back to butler headquarters. 

Over the years Gon was able to master his Nen ability, he used his nen to learn jajanken. He's been protecting the Zoldyck household from intruders, and people who get in the way of the Zoldycks missions. He started working with the butlers making friends with a few of them.


Gon had went back to the main mansion. As he walked through his home, he heard the screams and cries of his mother Kikyo. His eyes widened, He ran inside of the living area to see her lying on the floor bleeding from the face.

"Mama-San!" Gon yelled kneeling down to help her.

"Gon my dear! It's-" she was cut off by another pair of screaming to her left.

"YOU DAME BRAT!"  Milluki screamed at the top of his lungs.

Gon looked at him to see a stab wound, he then saw killua.

"Killua! What are you-" he was also cut off my Killua grabbing his hand and running away from the room they were in. Killua dragged Gon out of the mansion.

As they ran through the forest Gon spoke, "Killua what are you doing! We have to go back!" Gon  yelled.

"No! We are leaving this place !" Killua said still running. Gon pulled away as hard as he could.

"I can't go with you! Alluka and Kalluto are still here! Along with the people who saved me, and they still need me!" Gon said

Killua grunted, "WELL I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW! WE HAVE TO LEAVE TOGETHER!" Killua shouted as tears formed in his eyes.

"Please....Gon.." Killua pleaded.

Gon looked back for a short second and looked back at Killua. He sighed, "Fine! But only if you promise to listen to me when needed, and for me to protect you!"

Killua looked at Gon, "I promise!" He said.

They continued to run out of the estate, and out of the republic.



To be continued...

To be continued

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