Chapter 31

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Thunder and rain dropping on the glass of the windows of the building was all that was heard...

Along with angry the footsteps heading towards a certain someone...

A certain someone that's wants to take and steal from another certain someone...

"You know, sending your little henchmen to Kill me was really stupid idea...heh, even with enough torture they wouldn't give your location and identity out, they really must worship you don't they." Gon said leaning against the doorframe...

"And I must admit, it was quite hard to find you, the only reason I was able to find you was because of my older 'brother' Milluki..." he continued...

"Yamato was it?" Gon asked with a smirk, the man flinched and bit his lip, his frown then turned into a smile.

Yamato was a man about a year older than Gon was, he had bright blond hair with beautiful blues eye...

"Hmm, I knew I shouldn't have trusted those men, but on the bright side. I'll get to Kill you myself...." Yamato said...

Gon's smile faded into a stern one, "So, what do you really want to do with my husband, and what would killing me do?" He asked.

Yamato chuckled, "After I kill you I'll take your husband my myself, and once he becames heir, I'll kill him and take the Zoldyck establishment for myself. It's quite simple really..."

"I'll also kill your so called family again... and I'll kill that pathetic child of yours..." he said taking a sip from his tea...

Gon poured out an unbelievably amount of bloodlust and Aura, he was seething. Yamato laughed at this, but that was cut short when a hand grabbed at his throat and lifted him off of the seat...

'W-what! How is he that fast! I wasn't even able to read his movements in time!"

Gon didn't say or express anything....

All he felt was....rage..


Gon sighed and fell onto the floor, "Man, I didn't think he'd be that tuff...he's probably as strong as Killua is..." he grumbled to himself, He then looked at the body infront of him..

Yamato's once blond hair was stained in wine red blood, is once blue eyes were rolled back into his head, A creepy smile formed on Gons face, he slightly blushed at the gruesome sight in from of him.

it absolutely excited him~

Gon finally got up and walked out the door, leaving a bloody foot print trail behind him....

As he walked through the midnight streets, he had gotten a few concerning and worried looks from a few civilians because of the blood splatter on his body and face, but he didn't mind...

All Gon cared about was that his family was now safe from harms way..

Once he made it home he crept through the house. Trying to make it to his room, but he was stopped.

"Where were you..." A venom-ish voice asked.

He couldn't see who it was since it was dark, but he knew exactly who is was. Gon let out a small sigh and turned on the lap revealing Killua, who sat on the couch with his arms crossed.

"What are you doing up so late? You should go to bed, I'll meet you there in a few minutes." Gon said with a tried smile.

"You didn't answer my question, and why is there blood all over you!" Killua raised his voice.

Gon shook his head, "It's nothing you...."

Gon stopped himself remembering what Killua said, he looked at Killua in the eyes and without thinking planted his face into his husbands chest, Killua flinched at this and just looked at Gon who didn't move, or at least he didn't want to move...

He groaned and sat back down on the couch placing Gon on his lap, "wanna tell me what happened?" Killua asked playing with his lovers hair...

" you remember that spy on the beach?" Gon asked, Killua nodded.

"Well, he was sent by some guy named Yamato to Kill me and take you away from me..." Gon said clutching onto his shirt. Killua furrowed his eyebrows...

"Did you kill them?" Killua asked, all Gon did was nod and fell asleep on Killua chest.

He sighed and carried Gon, not to the bedroom but to the bathroom since he didn't want any blood on the sheets.
I blushed and quickly rapped Gon in a towel, I sighed and went to our room...

Once I dressed him in one of my large T-shirts and shorts, I placed in onto the bed and slept besides him...


You have to stop...

You have to stop lying to yourself...

He's going to come back for you, he's going to take everything you've achieved and built in your life away...

Just like how he did when you were child...

You have to protect them...

Protect them...

Protect them...

Protect them...

Protect them, Protect them,Protect them,Protect them,Protect them,Protect them,Protect them,Protect them,Protect them!


Protect them, you made a promise...Right..?

You can't keep running away from your past, you can't keep run away from what you did...from what you did to the people who bore and raised you... to her...There is blood are your hands, it's their blood...



I woke up in a cold sweat, my eyes widened, tears ran down my face as I curled up in a ball, silently crying to myself...

"I'm sorry, Mito-San...."


To be continued...
Sorry for the report! I was debating whether I should publish this one.

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