Chapter 30

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My eyes flustered open as the birds began to chirp, I looked at the clock to see it was 6 A.M in the morning, I sighed remembering yesterday's events...I changed into some normal and comfortable clothing to go out for a jog...

Once I was set and ready to go, I left the house. It was a foggy and chilly morning so I took an oversized jack...I think it was Killuas....I'll wash it later...

I continued to look forward at the foggy atmosphere and smiled.

It's actually been a long time since I've been on a morning jog all by myself to clear my thoughts, I stopped running and stretched my arms

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It's actually been a long time since I've been on a morning jog all by myself to clear my thoughts, I stopped running and stretched my arms. That's when my phone began to ring...I looked at it and saw it was Killua... I was slightly hesitant to answer, to a point where I just wanted to ignore it...

'But what if he's in trouble...'

I quickly picked the phone up a bit worried...

"Hello? Killua is something wrong? Did something happen to you or to Izumi? Did-"

"Where are you." He said interrupted me...

I pulled away from the phone and sighed in relief, "I just went out for a jog..."

He hummed, "Wait there..." he said before hanging up...

I turned my phone off and hid in my pocket, I sighed and leaned my body against the broken fence.

It had already been 5 minutes since I started waiting for Killua to arrive, I then spotted a figure walking towards me. It was Killua, he had his hands shoved into his dark blue jacket and a light blue scarf wrapped around his neck. He walked up to me and handed me a light green scarf, I blushed at his actions, but quickly hide them as I saw his stern face...

"T-thank you, I'll-"

"Is that my jacket?" He asked with the same expression. I nervously smile and lowered my head a tiny bit.

"Yeah, it you can have it back if you want. I don't really need it..." I whispered, feeling small again...

I unzipped the jack and slipped one side of the jacket off of my shoulder. He grabbed my hand and zipped it right back up, he also wrapped the scarf around me causing me to blush...

"No, it's fine keep it, it's cold anyways and I don't want you to get sick." He said with a very faint blush on his cheeks. I slightly smiled and turned my head away.

"I'm going to continue to my jog if that's all, you can go back home and rest..." I said.

As I began to jog again, I heard a pair of footsteps jogging beside me, I turned my head to see killua. I chuckled and looked away.
"So, why did you decide to go on a walk? You usually sleep in during the weekends when you have no more hunting commissions..." Killua asked me.

"Well, I just felt like it, but, it's nothing important you should worry about..." I said, he slightly furrowed his eyebrows and nodded.

"So...I wanted to ask about yesterday, after killing that guy, you seem so pissed off, maybe even enraged, probably more that I've ever seen. Did that guys say something to you? I also noticed you had a crushed phone in you hand, did that upset up?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Killua, like I said, it's nothing you should worry about, I'll handle it myself..." I said with a fake smile.

He slowed down and completely stopped, once I noticed this I also stopped running and turned back to him...

"Killua? Is-"

"I'm done...." He said as his bangs covered his eyes...

My eyes widened and I stood still, "W-what..."

"I'm done Gon, I can't do this anymore!" He said.

I felt as if I had been stabbed multiple times in the chest, my breathing became hasty and my vision became blurry as tears formed in my eyes and down rolled down my face...

I rushed towards him and grabbed onto his shirt, "W-wait! Killua you can't be serious! I-I can..I can change just for you, o-or maybe you don't like how I look, so I can change my appearance to your satisfaction if you'd like! I can also become stronger or more useful! J-just please, don't go! We've been through so much together! A-and, and I! I can't live without you!S-so please don't l-leave! I'll do a-anything!" I begged him, I had finally broke down. I dropped to the floor and began to sob, still grabbing on his shirt.

He flinch at my reaction and quickly went to the floor and comforted me, "GON! NO BABY I DIDNT MEAN IT IN THAT WAY! I DONT WANNA BREAK UP!" He said panicking and slightly shaking me, but it was no use, I was a mess, sobbing on the floor like some coward.

"Baby, please try to relax, I never meant that in anyway..." he said hugging me, again no use. He finally lifted my face and kissed me...I finally calmed down, but was still hurt...he whipped my tears away and hugged my again, this time tighter...

"S-so your...N-not going to *hiccup* break up w-with me?"I asked rather desperately...

He shook his head, "Of course not! Why would I even do that! Gon, your such an amazing person and the love of my life! And seeing you right now, breaking down like that really hurts me...and I feel like a disgusting person making you cry and break down like that! Even worse is that this is the second time in a please forgive me...." He said, he then got onto the floor and bowed.

I widened my eyes and panicked, "Killua! No please don't do that! I'm sorry! I should have never broken down like that! It was irresponsible of me to do that in the first place! I misread you!" I said, he lifted his head up and gritted his teeth.

"Why are you apologizing! I made you cry! I should be the one apologizing right now! It's me who should be begging on the floor for your forgiveness!" He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows and cupped his face, "Killua...I forgive you, so please don't force yourself to do that." I said kissing his forehead, he blushed and quickly hid his face by placing it onto my lap...
After we calmed down I finally asked him, "Killua, I was wondering what you wanted to say earlier? I know you weren't able to because I took the wrong impression."

He looked at me and slightly narrowed his eyes, "well, when I said I was done, I meant that I was done with you lying to me." He explained.

"What do you mean?" I asked, he looked directly at me slightly irritated and pinned me to the floor.

"I mean you always lie to me when something bad happens, you always try to avoid telling me and end up dealing with it yourself! You've been doing this since we were children! I worry that one day you won't tell me somethings wrong and end up getting yourself hurt or Killed, just because you wanted to protect us! I wanna protect you and our child! But you have to start telling me things Gon!" Killua said frustratedly.

I looked away and sighed, "Okay...I'll start telling you things from now on...but for now let's just get home..."

He nodded and helped me back up on my feet, we walked back home....

' I'm sorry Killua, but there are somethings I need to handle alone...even if it means Killing myself for your and Izumi's protection....'

'And this is one of those thing where I can't tell you, I'll have to deal with him on my own..."


To be continued....

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