Four: I Get Butt-Masks and Larry Issues a Challenge

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There is a plot twist in this chapter, one you might’ve expected but not have known when it was coming ;) Also, this is where we see if Ed can survive suit-shopping… DUN DUN DUN! XD

Without further adieu,

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Four: I Get Butt-Masks and Larry Issues a Challenge

“Let me go, Fai, or so help me…” I warn, but he dutifully ignores me, stopping us in front of a store with mannequins in the windows. That’s normal, what’s not normal are the compromising positions they’re in. Some are normally posed, others are… let’s just say it’s not a kids’ or family store. I almost feel embarrassed to be seen in front of this store…

Fai opens the door, uncaring of the mannequins. “Oi, Tippet, you got any suits in this dump?” He calls.

A pair of arms throw themselves around my and Fai’s shoulders, and a head comes in between us. I twitch, seeing shoulder-length ratty brown hair in my vision when I turn my head.

“Who’s livelihood are you calling a ‘dump’? Kukukukuku…” The person, Tippet, asks, chuckling creepily.

Fai pushes him off and I see that he looks older than Steve, and he’s got dark purple eyes. “I won’t even say it.” Fai replies, pointing to the mannequins in the store window.

Tippet does a dramatic gesture, “Those are my babies, and if they wish to be provocative by the window, then let them be!”

I blush and Fai sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Look, do you have suits or not?” He asks him.

Tippet looks offended, “You dare doubt my inventory?!”

“Alright, so, we need two of them, one for me and one for him.” Fai continues, “Ed, this is Tippet. Tippet, this is Ed.” He introduces.

Tippet puts out a hand to shake and I take it, but instead of shaking it he pulls me closer, inspecting my arm.

“13.7 inches…” He mutters, then takes my other arm, “13.72 here…” He nods, “You have good arm-length.” He then takes my hands, “7.38 inches and 7.385 inches.” Suddenly, he circles his hands around my head. “56 inches…” Then, he goes down to my neck and I almost tense, but I know that he’s only measuring. “Average…” He looks at me as he grabs a tape measure out of his pocket, “Lift up your arms.” He instructs and I do, he goes behind me and measures my chest. I hold down all embarrassing sounds that could possibly escape my mouth as he measures my waist. If you haven’t been able to tell yet, I’m sensitive… and especially ticklish, which I hate. It’s a powerful weakness. If I could even begin to count the number of times Steve and Ricardo have used that over me…

“Alright, you’re all done.” Tippet tells me once he’s done with my legs. “And I have a suit in your exact measurements, as well as Mr. Unappreciative over there.” He sends an indignant glare over to Fai, who only rolls his eyes.

“Do you have any masquerade masks as well?” I ask, remembering that it’s a masquerade ball.

Tippet stands back, inspecting my face, then Fai’s. He smiles, “I’ve got just the things… but first, the suits.” He says, going behind the counter and down under. An array of different cloths and clothing start flying up and out and I have to stand aside to make sure none hit me, it’s useless when I find a sparkly pink material covering my entire upper body and I’m blinded when something satin-y comes in contact with my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2013 ⏰

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