Three: I Get Invited and Groped

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Hey guys, I’m back~ Thanks to Springgirl101 for her comment! :D I hope you guys like and tell me how this chapter is~

Without further adieu,

Read, Enjoy, and Comment/Vote/Fan!


Three: I Get Invited and Groped

“So, let me get this straight… You met a hot girl last night named Cassandra who kept sugar in her bra? Then, she kissed you and her compensation is you meeting her in five minutes right here?” Fai asks for clarification.

I blush, “She only kissed me on the cheek! Don’t make it sound like she’s a–a–a―”

Fai opens his mouth to say the word I think he is and suddenly a girl in a brown cloak suddenly pops up from in between us.

“Hey~ it’s me, Cassie!” She chirps, hooking her arms into mine and Fai’s. We keep walking, and I realize that it’s Cassandra.

“Um, Cassandra?” I ask hesitantly.

“Yup!” She chimes. “Though, there’s a reason why I’m acting like this~” She says, “I’m someone you wouldn’t expect so I expect some people are probably going to start looking for me soon.”

I blink, not expecting that. Well, I should have expected that. I mean, does every girl keep sugar in her bra?

“Find her! The princess has gone and run off again!” A guard says, some other guards following after him.

Fai and my jaws drop, shock running through us. My eye twitches and one glance over at Fai shows he’s doing the same…

“P–Princess?” I attempt to say after a gulp.

“Yeah, I don’t like being cooped up in the castle so I occasionally run away.” She answers, smiling sweetly.

I twitch, that smile is way too cute. Cuteness overload…and she’s getting away with this smile? Women are dangerous…

“Well, um…” I say, trying to find something to say. I hate it when that happens, though, I am, as Fai calls it, “socially-challenged”.

“I wanted to meet you again for a reason…” Cassandra says lowly, and I lean in closer to hear her next words… “I want to invite you to the ball being held at the palace in the morrow night.”


She’s inviting me to the ball?

“I, uh, um, I―” I stammer, trying to say something intelligent, but already failing.

“Yes, yes, and yes.” Fai answers for us, smiling brightly.

“Great! Who are you again?” Cassandra asks, tilting her head.

“Fai, wizard-in-training, and the owner– sorry, best friend, of Ed.” Fai says with a grin, I roll my eyes at the “owner”.

Cassandra giggles, but then attempts to make herself smaller when some guards pass by. “Well, I guess I’ll give you these before heading off. I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.” She whispers, slipping slips of paper into our back pockets.

I blush, holding down a squeak as her hand touches my butt, even if unknowingly. I know otherwise when she pats my pocket once and smiles innocently at me.

“Thanks…” I mumble.

She slips her arms out of ours, smiling brightly before skipping off into the crowd, waving once before getting out of sight.

“Well, I was expecting a lot of things, but not that.” Fai muses with a smile.

I look at him weirdly, “How can you be so calm about this?”

He looks over at me, suddenly grinning widely. I feel weary at the look, wondering if what he’s got going on that twisted little git-wit head of his… I wonder if he’s going to try and rent me to a brothel as a prank again or I’ll get knocked out and wake up as a banana. Again.

“What’s with that look…?” He doesn’t answer, only hooking his arm in mine, a way of making sure I don’t escape. I don’t look forward to whatever he’s planning… “Fai, answer me before I try to run away…”

“We’re going suit shopping, Ed, and you’re not getting out of it.” Fai answers, cackling maniacally when I blanch and try to yank my arm out of his. Did he use a spell? It’s like I’m trapped to him by some sort of scrawny iron chicken wing! Curse you for your wings of steel, Fai. I’ll get you for this…

Oh, god, suit shopping.

How am I going to survive?


Well, how is Ed going to survive? You tell me how you think he will~ :) Anyways, 1 comment and vote for the next chapter!

P.S, the multimedia is of the invitations~ Except for the one at the top lol.



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