One: I Meet a Girl With Blended-Grass Eyes

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Hey, guys, this is my first romance/humor. You better tell me how it is! I just wanted to dip my toe into the genre of romance, so please tell me right away if I suck. Or if I don't suck, or if I'm in the middle. Either way, just tell me through comments ;) Anyways, don't let me keep you from reading.

Without further adieu,

Read, Enjoy, and Comment/Vote/Fan!


Cinder without the Ella

"A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true."



One: I Meet a Girl with Blended-Grass Eyes

"AIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" The shriek resounds through the manor. Then a roar is heard, "Edgar Percival Hendricks! Why are there toads in my undergarments?" My stepfather, Larry's, voice booms through the manor. Charming, isn't he? Just wait until you see him in person.

"I can't hear you over the sound of me leaving!" I yell back, quickly running to the door.

"And where are you going, Ed-dork?" Steve asks as he and Roger get in my way, arms crossed. Steve's got dirty-blonde hair and pale eyes that are about as pale as his skin. His personality is about a millimeter less nasty than his socks.

"Out, away from this stinkhole." I reply, crossing my arms as well. They both glare down at me with what I've dubbed as "attempted-snake-eyes".

"What gives you the right to call this manor a stinkhole? Our father kindly took you in and you have the nerve to talk like that?" Ricardo demands, flaunting his dark-brown hair like some kind of male model. His brown eyes penetrate mine with loathing. He could be close to nice, but he just ruins it by being a spoiled brat.

"Just shut up, I'm going out. I'll be back by curfew. We have a deal; if I get my chores done then I can do whatever I want." I say, pushing past them.

Steve snorts, letting me go. He's probably in a good mood since I ironed his socks. The guy has some sort of weird thing for warm and crease-free socks. Ricardo glares at me with some kind of fiery-jalapeño eyes, a sort of I'll-get-you-later-you-ugly-muchacho look.

I glare back, sticking my tongue out at him. Then I turn and run, boots beating against the cobblestone path. I grin as I feel the wind fly through my brown-hair. I jump over the small bridge, seeing myself reflected, brown eyes glinting. I push open the gates with more force than necessary but I don't care. Every time I do this I feel as if I'm freeing myself from this stinkhole, the only reason I stay here is because I'm not old enough to leave here yet. As soon as I leave the gates I feel a sort of weight leave me. I see another brown-haired guy my age waiting for me at the corner, dressed in normal clothes with a few... unusual things. A dark-blue shirt and a jerkin, and dark pants stuffed into boots. The unusual things are the leather strips wrapped around the end of his shirt, unusual bits and bobs of the magical sort as well as some pouches hanging off them. Don't forget the weird hat he wears, he calls it a "fedora" or something along those lines and the long blue sapphire earring hanging off his right ear.

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