Two: How My Best Friend Saved My Life

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This chapter isn’t that long, and I’m glad it isn’t actually. I’m trying to cut down on the length of my chapters (not really working since most are pre-written) of my stories, so I figured I’d start here. This chapter actually made me up the rating because some suggestive material, but I hope you’ll enjoy ;)

Without further adieu,

Read, Enjoy, and Comment/Vote/Fan!


Two: How My Best Friend Saved My Life

“Ed, are you okay?” Cassandra asks, looking at me concernedly.

I blink, looking back at her. I must’ve gotten a weird expression while thinking about my step-monsters. “Sorry, just thinking…” Speaking of step-monsters I still have to get Larry his sugar and my curfew’s going to be up in like five minutes! “Do you have any sugar?” I blurt, then mentally smack myself and run mini-me into a wall in my head. Why would she be carrying sugar with her?

She tilts her head. “Sure, but why?”

I’m pretty sure my jaw’s dropped, then I shake myself out of it. “I need to get some sugar for stepfather’s desert, he’ll most likely turn me into something nasty if I don’t. He’s not particularly happy with me either since I put toads in his underwear…” I trail off.

She giggles before bursting into laughter and I swear it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard… even if she’s snorted three times already in a five-second time frame.

Once done laughing she reaches into the front of her dress and starts pulling out a pouch and I just stand there dumbly, watching as she pulls out a pouch of sugar from her bra.

“Here you go.” She says, holding it out.

I’m still standing there in shock that she’d pulled out sugar from her bra, what else does she keep in there?

No! Bad Ed! It’s not your business what the girl keeps in her bra, but if you play your cards right you could get in to the bra.

Hey! I thought you were my conscious, not my libido. I think back.

We merged.’ It answers back simply and I shake my head.

“I’ve got to go, I’m barely going to make it back before curfew…” I mutter the last part, reaching to take the pouch.

Cassandra nods, but then as I grasp the pouch she takes my wrist and pulls me down, kissing me on the cheek. “There’s your other sugar.” She whispers, then let’s go with a sly smile that makes my heart beat faster like a drum. “But this one has a price, meet me back here tomorrow at three, okay?”

“O–Okay.” I stutter before turning and running with my cheeks burning. I’m pretty sure they’re so red you can mistake them for lanterns lit by some kind of devil-fire.


So I got back home safely, and more importantly, just seconds before curfew and I gave Larry the sugar. He raised an eyebrow when he smelled the perfume and I didn’t say anything before going out to my room. The mansion has a tower for some reason, and at the top is my room. I don’t know why Larry gave it to me, but I do know that the tower has the most amount of magic around it, next to Larry’s wing of the mansion. At least, that’s what Fai told me.

I sigh, opening the door of the tower and shutting it, going up the spiral of stairs before getting to the opening that leads up to my room. It’s pretty plain: a normal bed with cotton sheets and a pillow, an old wardrobe that belonged to my mother, a full-length mirror that’s black on the edges on the wall, and a stool by the window. The window isn’t small, but it isn’t too big either. The window is the only thing that connects me to the outside world when I’m in here.

When I was little and after my mom had died I’d always looked out the window and thought about falling out so I could just get life over with and see mom, but I never did because I was afraid. Once, I had gathered up the courage to fall, but someone stopped me…


“This is it…” I say to myself, sitting on the edge of the window. I take a deep breath and am about to let go and push off when I hear footsteps.

“Ed, no!” Fai yells, and I turn back, wide-eyed.

I get angry, pent-up emotions boiling over. Why is Fai doing this? I just want to see my mom, I don’t care what it takes! “Don’t try to stop me, Fai. I will see my mom.” I tell him angrily.

“Do you like murderers?” Fai asks lowly and my eyes widen.

I hate people dying, so the idea of people being cut short of their lives is sickening to me. That’s what happened to my dad, at least, that’s what mom told me before she died… If someone hadn’t killed my father then we would all be living happily together and mom wouldn’t have ever needed to marry Larry to support us, and I would never have been as miserable as I am now.

“Why are you asking?” I choke out.

“Because that’s what you’ll be if you do this!” He shouts and I feel shock. “A life is a life, Ed, and if you take yours you’ll be killing someone, making yourself a murderer, the very thing you hate.” His voice is starting to sound wet. “Ed, don’t do this… You’re my first, best, and only friend. If I lose you then I’m losing one of the things that make me me.” He chokes. “Ed and Fai, Fai and Ed. What would happen if Ed was gone? It’d just be Fai!” He says, finally starting to cry.

With a sob I scramble off the window, landing on the floor with a loud “thump” but I ignore it and run over to Fai. I crush him in a hug, the only thing that I’ve needed since mom died.

“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” I cry.

“Just promise you won’t ever do it again!” Fai trembles.

“I promise, I promise!


And that’s what happened, how Fai saved my life. If it weren’t for him, then I wouldn’t be here.

Ed and Fai, Fai and Ed…

Wizard and a knight-to-be, knight-to-be and a wizard.

Two brothers, brothers of two.


Well, liked, loved, hated? Tell me! Comment/vote/fan!

P.S, the multimedia is a slideshow of the cast, hope you like~



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