chapter two.

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Beach Day

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Beach Day

TENSIONS AT THE HARPER HOUSEHOLD began to raise high as the weeks went along. Kreese was always pressuring Jack to do better so in turn, the man did the exact same thing with his daughter. So, Cleo tried to stay away as much as possible. She already had to face Kreese at home but now, he had taken up every aspect of his life and made it his own.

"Hey, snap out of it." Aisha sound loudly, clapping her hands together. It for sure took the Harper girl away from her thoughts, all of them.

"Right, sorry, you were saying?" Cleo raised a brow, tucking her hair behind her ear as she realized a certain blond entering the store.

"I was just wondering how you are so kick ass at karate, do you have experience before Cobra Kai?" The girl questioned, holding onto the straps of her book bag.

The Harper girl took in a deep breath, shaking her head and looking into Aisha's eyes as she did so. She was always told to look someone in the eyes when she lied, it made them at least think you were being truthful.

"I'm just a fast learner I guess." Cleo shrugged her shoulders slightly, hoping that would be the end of the conversation.

"Fast learner, hm?" Tory said as she approached, raising a questioning brow.

"That's what I said, isn't it?" The Harper girl replied defensively, or maybe it was genuine anger, she couldn't tell the difference anymore.

Aisha awkwardly looked down toward her phone, not wanting to engage into whatever was happening.

"Are you always so grumpy?" The Nichols girl asked, a cute pout resting across her face.

"Yup, anymore questions, princess?" Cleo nodded her head as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Ugh." Aisha mumbled quietly, eyes still on the screen of her phone.

"Let me guess, dick pics?" Tory asked jokingly, leaning towards the girl.

"No." Aisha responded with a laugh. "My mom wants me to go to the beach club with her."

"Oh my god, that sounds so miserable." The Nichols girl said in a teasing tone.

Cleo laughed slightly then immediately covered her hand over her mouth. Again, she was taught to never show any emotions. Emotions get you hurt.

"No, it's not that, it's just..this girl Sam is going to be there and she and I are not on good terms." Aisha stated, a mix between a frown and a smile resting on her face.

BAD GUY, tory nichols Where stories live. Discover now